United Kingdom
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Web Pages
Wessex School of Anaesthesia
Contains useful information regarding training in anaesthesia in the Wessex region.
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Exhaustive information on the departments, clinical services, library and an education and training introduction. Liverpool, England.
The Victoria University of Manchester Medical School
Details of the three departments and contact details. Located in Manchester.
Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education
(SCPMDE)- Information relating to postgraduate training in Scotland for medicine, dentistry and clinical psychology.
University of Southampton School of Medicine
Offering an integrated medical course. Enrollment and contact information. (UK)
University of Cambridge Clinical School
This site provides local information about the Cambridge Clinical School and links to other related resources.
University of Birmingham School of Medicine
Medical program leading to MBChB and BMedSC degrees in Medicine.
University of Aberdeen.
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences offers degree courses leading to MBChB degree.
Bristol University Graduate School of the Faculty of Medicine
Includes the Schools of Clinical Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science and Biomedical Sciences. It offers taught and research based postgraduate courses.
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Information on the medical faculty, its teaching and research.
Imperial College Faculty of Medicine
Information on the teaching and research at this London medical school.