Web Pages
Children Have Rights in School
Information about the rights and care of diabetic children while in school.
Children with Diabetes
An online community for kids, families, and adults with diabetes, featuring message boards, chat rooms, and questions/answers from medical professionals.
Vaccine Safety
Some common childhood immunizations may contribute to diabetes and other chronic illnesses in later life.
Nottingham Parents of Children with Diabetes
Organizes activities such as swimming, bowling, cycling, laser quest. Offers support for children with this condition and their parents in the Nottingham area.
JDRF Kids Online
Features basic information about the condition and latest researches. Also offers a forum area in which users share their care ideas and helps users make connection with a pen pal.
Overcoming Juvenile Diabetes With a Little Planning and High-Tech Tools
FDA Consumer article discusses the challenges of being a teen with diabetes, the importance of insulin, and future treatments.
Hannah's Diabetes Page
A 9 1/2 year old describes life with this disease; links to information, and one link to a page full of the authors other interests.
Diabetes Explained
Offers tutorial, general information, links, and chat room. Author happy to hear from people with the condition.
Center for Disease Control
A review of current knowledge of type 2 diabetes among children and adolescents in North America to assess the magnitude of the disease and its public health importance.
BrainPOP Educational Animations
Animated movies, comic strips, activity pages for kids with diabetes.
A Child with Diabetes Is In Your Care
A seven-part series which profiles four families coping with juvenile diabetes.
Diabetes Education Network
Interactive webcasts of interviews and discussions on various issues surrounding families with children with the disease.
Obesity-Linked Diabetes Rising in Children
USDA information on relationship between obesity and juvenile diabetes.
Kids with Diabetes in School Package
Resource package for teachers, care providers, and parents. Includes knowledge test, checklists, and most frequently asked questions.
JD Aire Urbaine
Children of the "Urban Area" in France talk about type 1 diabetes. Content in English and French. Chat room available.
Children and Teens with Diabetes - Lifeclinic
Information about diabetic issues that affect children and teens.
For parents of children who are on an insulin pump, or who are considering this form of diabetes therapy. Includes discussion system, carb counter, general info, and diabetes trivia.
Parent's Guide - Diabetes
HELP program - Information about childhood diabetes for parents.
Researchers Recommend Testing Diabetic Children for Celiac Disease
As a result of their recent study, a group of Medical College of Wisconsin researchers are recommending that children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) be tested for celiac disease.
Help and advice for diabetic children and parents of kids with diabetes,useful tips on recipes, advice from parents, blood sugar level monitoring, insulin and diet advice.
Diabetes or Just Normal Thirst?
A question and answer article that discusses whether or not excessive thirst in children is a sign of diabetes.
Learn About Type 1 Diabetes
Provides information about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and management of type 1 diabetes and juvenile diabetes.
Kids R Pumping
Dedicated to people sharing their experiences with children using insulin pump therapy to manage their diabetes. Helpful hints, testimonials from medical professionals, parents and children using insulin pumps.
The Juvenile Diabetes Forum at Med Help
Interactive medical question and answer format about all aspects of juvenile diabetes (type 1 diabetes). Patient questions are replied to by online volunteers from the Juvenile Diabates Research Foundation.