Web Pages
Self Healing Australia
[Newtown, NSW, Australia] Natural therapies site offering information, newsletter, treatments, classes, courses and workshops in zen shiatsu.
Mike Flanagan's Shiatsu Information Pages
Information, international practitioner directory, pictures, links and book reviews.
Kwan Yin's Embrace
[Nr. Temecula, Southern California] Watsu retreat center.
Definitions and charts. Multilingual site maintained by José Manuel Afreixo Nunes da Cruz.
Shiatsu, Japanese Massage
Includes Do-in exercises and list of worldwide practitioners. Multilingual site maintained by Rian Visser, Haarlem, Netherlands.
Discovering Shiatsu
Article by Catherine Sutton.
Kimura Shiatsu Institute
Offers treatment and courses to make one's body healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.
Bill's Watsu Page
Watsu is applying in water the principles and stretches of Zen Shiatsu which has its roots in Japan. Maintained by Bill Hamilton, Vancouver, BC, Canada.