Mercury and Amalgams
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Web Pages
Amalgam-Related Illness FAQ
Information and resources about possible negative health effects from dental amalgam-fillings.
Preventive Dental Health Association
Educate about the dangers of fluoride and mercury, and provide healthful alternate solutions.
Micromercurial Maze
Alternative health information about mercury toxicity and dental amalgam fillings. Support, research, activism, survey, links and Hg WebRing.
Bio-probe FAQ
Questions answered on mercury and amalgam, detoxification, mercury replacements and how to find a mercury free dentist.
American Dental Association on Amalgam
News, research, journal, resources, and information.
Mercury Free and Healthy
Information about mercury amalgam fillings from DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome) Inc. and Consumers for Dental Choice (National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy).
Amalgam / Mercury Dental Filling Toxicity
Short review of facts from Holistic Healing.
Environmental Health Information Service (EHIS): Metal Toxicity
Links to current information on metal toxicity.
Amalgam Listserv
Mercury poisoning from dental amalgam. E-mail list server archives and subscription.
Amalgam Fillings and Informed Consent
Michael A. Royal legal opinion that health risks suggested by (admittedly controversial) studies of amalgam fillings warrant permitting patients to choose alternatives.
Dental Amalgam
Academy of General Dentistry dental health fact sheet.
Melisa Medica Foundation
Accurate modern diagnostics using the Melisa Test detects undesirable health effects from dental metals and metal allergies.
Pams Mercury Helpline
A personal story, the symptoms, the help relating to mercury amalgam fillings. Other related topics.
California Dental Association primer for media spokespersons.
Toxic Television: The Mercury Amalgam Scam
Manipulation of the media and public on the issue of dental amalgams.
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)
Concerned over potential health risks which may be associated with patient exposure to mercury vapor from dental amalgam. Web site of Dr. Phillip P. Sukel founding member of IAOMT.
Mercury and Related Health Concerns
News and past events related to mercury and amalgams.
Information stating "Scientifically proven facts about dental amalgam (Mercury Fillings)".
Amalgam Fillings
Summaries of the latest research concerning amalgam fillings.
Tooth Fairy Trust
Organization for mercury-free dental and environmental health. "Mercury in Toothousand" educational and documentary series. Support for iBan Mercury Petition.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Low Level Mercury Poisoning?
Jeff Clark's story on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and his cure.
Y2K Health and Detox Center
Information on alternative approaches to mercury detox, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. Also, a free newsletter and personal consultations.
The Edelson Center
Medical facility treating heavy metal toxicity. Dr. Edelson is author of the book "Living With Environmental Illness: A Practical Guide to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity."