Personal Pages
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Web Pages
David Nicholas Andrews - AspergerArtforms
Helping people to understand a little more about autism and what it is like to be autistic.
Jillene Haas - Disabilities Resource Page
Favorite and most useful links to help other teachers and parents find information easier on the Internet.
Ooops...Wrong Planet Syndrome
Links, articles, and information on Asperger's Syndrome.
Bradley Olson-A Person With Autism
Personal profile of being autistic.
Tony's Home Page
Being autistic and gay.
Microgalaxy - Inside my head: What it's like to have Asperger's/Autism.
This is a page about Asperger's Syndrome (also known as Asperger's Disorder), though at times may also include HFA, PDD, and PDDNOS.
David Miedzianik - Poetry
The poems of loneliness and despair of an autistic adult after his parents have passed away.
Eileen - Autism and Aspergers Syndrome~A Mother's Personal Experience
Timmy, 7, has Asperger's Syndrome, is very high functioning. Jordan, who is two years old "non-verbal" diagnosed at Children's Hospital in Boston with Autism and Mental Retardation is the most precious thing in the world.
Keddy's Korner On Autism
My son, Brandon, has autism and epilepsy.
About Autism
By the parents of Zoe, a little girl diagnosed with autism.
Richard Hudson 's Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Disability Rights, Dating, Friendship & Advocasy Home Page
Twenty three year old with a form of High Functioning Autism called Asperger Syndrome. Personal account and resource links.
Janet Lawrence - Welcome to Holland
Becoming a parent of a child diagnosed with Autism is a lot like being prepared for a trip to Italy and ending up in Holland instead..
Cecilia's Pet Gallery
Autistic young woman loves to photograph her pets and show them on the web for others to share.
Jay Goldwein MA
Personal page of a psychologist, discussing applied behavior analysis and inline skating.
Stan and Becky Rodrigues' Autistic Hope
A true account of our daughter's remarkable recovery from Autism. Mis-diagnosed as Childhood Schizophrenia, PDD, and ADHD, nearly Psychotic a year ago, drugs are no longer necessary, behavior is normalized.
About Autism
Free opt in email newsletter about autism for parents and caregivers. Information, definitions, and links.
Terry's Autism Awareness
Links to autism sites, autism information, and intervention.
Ray's Autism Pages
I have been in the Autism world you might say for 15 years. I have come to have a certain perspective on Autism and how it relates to parents, professionals and the common world.
Nielson Family
Anders does not speak very well, and it is very important for him, that his world is structured. He is interested in computers and at home he uses the computer for games. His family would like to communicate with families in a similar situation.
Yutaka Sato's Coming to the USA with an Autistic Child
American people have a lot of things for which they can be proud which are unique in the world. I believe the greatest one is the special education for disabled children.
Segaran Ramodran - Autism Support Borneo
We are in Sabah, Malaysia,(in Borneo),our son, 4 yr 8 months,Jishen Varma is an adorable lad with autism.We do have some help here,and we have also learn quite a lot from the net. We have a group of parents with similar children,we hope to hear from parents all over.Please write to us...
Tammy Dotson - Life With a PDD-NOS Child
Our son Zachary age 6 was diagnosed PDD-NOS, a mild autism spectrum disorder.
Stephen and Tanya Peace - Autism and Oliver
Oliver is 5 years old. He was officially diagnosed as a child with autism shortly after his 4th birthday.
Melissa and Cody
My son was diagnosed with autism, a severe developmental disability, when he was three years old. My son is now 9 years old and the greatest challenge of my life. His sister, Melissa, is 12 years old. She is a bright, fun, enthusiastic girl.
Berthajane Vandegrift - Tiger By the Tail
The personal story of a "disturbed child", which raises questions about the psychology industry.
Raynmom2's Home Page
Personal account of raising a child with autism, hyperlexia, ODD and musical savant characteristics. Spans twenty years.
Apryl's Home Page
Autism links, gripes, pictures, and things not to say to a parent of an autistic child.
Tabitha's World
Tabitha is our 12 year old daughter who was born with Turners Syndrome and at 18 months old was diagnosed with Autism and developmentally delayed.
Misha's Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum
Information on Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD's, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, and how these affect 4 out of 5 of our children.
David's Autism: Asperger Syndrome Page
About Asperger Syndrome, autism and ADHD. Links and contact pages. IRC-chat for autistic people only. Swedish mailing list.
Julie Allen - Autism and Zach
My story and feelings about my son's diagnosis.
Created to educate others about Autism and raising a child with special needs. Personal accounts, support group, and resources.
Jonathon's World
Dedicated to Jonathan who was diagnosed Autistic at age 2 in 1995. Definition of autism and Jonathon's story.
Madore Family's Resource Site About Autism
Story of their son Andrew, with links to information on autism, PDD, treatments, diet, sensory integration, conferences, ABA, resources and education.
Amy Marr - Asperger's Syndrome and My Brother Timothy
Tim, despite his struggles with Asperger's, is amazing. Since he was three, he's had a fascination with anything electronic, such as hand-held video games, various appliances including the family VCR, and computers.
Tiph's Autism Planet
My name is Tiphanie. I work with autistic students at my school. I help them with their work, and do group activities with them.
Wesley's Way
Wesley is a 6 year old boy with autism. He has RSP, OT and Speech Classes as well. This page will hopefully show how Wesley "does it" and how we his parents, teachers and friends help teach him, love him and accept him, and most importantly what he is teaching us as well.
Gunilla Gerland's Articles
Ad articles about treatment and views on autism and Aspergers syndrome, written by a person with the disorder herself.
John Mark's Autism In The Philippines
It is our main objective that what had happened to our son will be a source of encouragement and resource to parents dealing with the same challenge--Autism.
Hans T. - Autism 4-Um
Has an autistic sister named Jackie. Dedicated to people who have loved ones with this behavior disorder. Personal Journal.
Richard Wawro, Artist
Remarkable autistic savant artist from Scotland. A real rainman.
To connect autistic people with the services needed to live whole and happy lives. The immediate goal is to build a global database of information and resources by and for persons on the autistic spectrum.
Rainmama's Page
Devoted to my eldest child Matthew who has autism syndrome. The purpose is to share our experiences with others and to share my inclusion classroom.
Joshua's Garden-A Mother's meditation
This is one meditation written by a mother about her son Joshua. Joshua is now a teen with autism. We hope that it will bless you.
Shannon's Story
Home schooling your child with an autistic spectrum disorder. Personal story and resources.
Phil's World
A personal perspective of a sufferer of Asperger's Syndrome
Autistic Spectrum
Excerpts from the book Detours in My Mind: Reflections on the Paradoxes of High Functioning Autism. Describes experiences of Lars Perner and proposes general issues in high functioning autism.
Nick Fusco - A is for Autism
Our daughter, Leslie, was first diagnosed around three and a half with PDD/Autism.
Understanding Autism in Adults
Insights into what it is like to be a high functioning autistic, from the perspective of an adult autistic.
Donna Williams
The author of "Nobody Nowhere" and "Somebody Somewhere" discusses her life and work.
Samantha's Autism - The invisible disorder
These web pages will introduce our seven year old Autistic daughter Samantha, the disorder of Autism in general, and what she (and everyone around her) has gone through in the last six years.
Joshua's Autism Support Task Force
Dedicated to bringing information on autism and the effect it has on us all.
Little David's Autism Page
The story of my son's autism. Also pictures, sounds and weekly updates on our struggle with autism.
Quartz - Autism
Personal account from an 18 years old with high functioning autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, and hyperlexia.
Steve Nichol's Living with an Asperger Child
My son is 13 years old and has Asperger Syndrome.
Georges Huard - Living with Aspergers Syndrome
Personal account and art work. [English, French]
Bruuce Jones' A Guide to Autism
Links, a basic description of autism, the genetics of autism, and the joys and hardships of autism.
Autistic Advocacy
A repository of pro-autistic articles, editorials, and humor by Frank Klein.
Spencer's Story
Personal story about battling Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
Martin Courtney's A Parent's Perspective
An English site, put together by parents of an Autistic child.
Castigating Assumptions About Mental Retardation
Essential reading for anyone interested in autism. How facilitated communication changed her world.
Pamela Glaser - My Favorite Things
Pamela is our Pooh and she even says 'Oh, bother!' occasionally. This page covers the autism therapies we have pursued and covers Pamela's interests and academic work.
Montague Family's Our Asperger Page
All three of my children - my oldest son Barry, my middle son, Devon and my daughter Anastasia have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.
Kathleen Deyer Bouldec
Christian author and mother reveals her book about the journey with her son's disability. "His Name Is Joel". This site gives an introduction to the book that will strike a chord any mother/father on the same journey.
Autism Family Circle
Informative and resourceful site for autism and related disabilities. Established by mother of four with autism.
Autism Help For you
Free book on one mother's story of her experiences with her autistic child, including what therapies worked and did not work. Detailed dietary info.
Mom's Autism Page for T.J.
Information on Autism and similar diagnoses, along with personal experience of parenting a child with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD).
A Parent's Understanding of Autism and Asperger Syndrome
An interpretation of Autism and Asperger Syndrome based on the personal experience of a parent of a special son.
Asperger Curse Confessions
Daily thoughts and reminiscings of a man diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome in middle age.
Martha Kate Downey
Support and information about Asperger’s Syndrome, Noonan Syndrome, autism, and other disorders.
Jasmine's Marfans/CF/** AUTISM**
Story of a child who is premature, behind in development, and autisic.
Dancing in Cornmeal - Life With Autism
A parent’s story, educational manual and inspirational essays.
Angels with Autism
Information by a parent of a young man with autism. Pictures and links.
Jayna Girl's Website
Information for anyone living with, or trying to understand, a child with PDD-NOS. Topics include a definition of autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and related resources.
Advice for People with Autism or Related Conditions
Eric's story about autism and how it affects him, possible causes of autism, treatments and symptoms of autism or related disorder.
Charlotte Proctor's Let Me Tell You About My Grandchildren...
Successful early intervention for a child diagnosed with first pervasive developmental disorder, then Asperger's Syndrome.
Autism Information
A guide written by the parents of an autistic child. Features information about diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Also offers links to related resources.
Dave Spicer
Links, articles, and information on Asperger's syndrome.
Neral's Autism Website
How it is being autistic different.
Amanda Baggs Non-Site
Personal non-site and FAQ by an autistic woman who used to have a more extensive website, and where to find her current writing on autism and related issues.
Little Boy - Big Heart
Information about a son diagnosed with autism.
Inside the Bubble
A mothers account of her son's progress including book reviews, resources, and details of the Applied Behavioural Analysis teaching method.
Shelley's Account With Asperger's Syndrome
Personal account of Asperger's Syndrome. The daughter was dx'ed when she was five. A lot of links to other AS sites. Includes information on support group in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Who Let the Dogs Out?
A family's story of their struggle to recover their child from Autism.
Living with Asperger's Syndrome
One family's story of the ups and downs when one of its members is affected by Asperger's Syndrome.
Jesus and Autism Awareness
The testimony of Ivan and Charika Corea.
Delp's Hope Page
An educational Autism site based on one family's personal experiences.
Overcoming Autism Art
Living with, understanding and overcoming Autism, Asperger Syndrome and Savant Brain seen in digital art opens inner worlds of incurable conditions.
The Asperger's Express
Describes the effects of autism on our family. Chronicles our daughter's outstanding progress using Greenspan's Floor Time. Advocacy advice for parents, especially those in NJ. Includes section on Montessori education.
Autism Awareness Campaign in Sri Lanka
Calling and lobbying for more public services for the Autistic Community in Sri Lanka.
Robbie's Autism Site
Son who has autism spectrum disorder: pictures of Robbie, links and articles concerning Autism.
Hugs Feel Good
Free downloadable books for and by autists.
Megans Progress
Weblog recording information about the author's daughter and her progression as a child with ASD.
Just This Side of Normal
Weblog of a family's struggles with autism.
Richy's personal web site
Personal web site of Rich Allen, an Asperger's sufferer from the United Kingdom.
John Bald - A Maine Family's Early Intervention Program for Autism
The Balds' son was first diagnosed at age 2½. The site shares what has been learned over the past four years since then, especially about the behavioral intervention program run for him.