Web Pages
Cure Autism Now Foundation (CAN)
An organization of parents, physicians, and researchers, dedicated to promoting and funding research with direct clinical implications for treatment and a cure for autism. The largest private funder of autism research.
The Autism Research Foundation (TARF)
Dedicated to Research in Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Asperger's Syndrome, Rett's Syndrome, Fragile X and Other Developmental Brain Disorders.
National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR)
A national nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to finding the causes, prevention, effective treatment, and ultimately, a cure of the autism spectrum of disorders.
Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE)
A gene bank collected from affected families recruited by HBDI and the CAN foundation, dedicated to creating a large central repository of scientifically interesting family samples.
Autism Research Unit
Provides a basis for research into the possible causes of autism, and an accessible store of traditional and current research information on autism.
Autism Research Institute
Conducts research, and disseminates the results of research, on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood.
Yale Child Study Center
Comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluations for children and adults with social disabilities, usually focusing on the issues of diagnosis and intervention. Conducts several large research projects on autism, AS, and other PDD's.
Medicine for Autism Today (MAT)
Funds research to aid in the development of a cure for autism.
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Autism Research Program
This research tests the assumptions that autism selectively involves complex cognitive abilities and results from abnormal development and function of neocortical systems. The researchers are examining evidence of strengths and deficits in complex information processing abilities in areas of reasoning, language, memory, motor, and visual spatial abilities.
M.I.N.D. Institute
The University of California, Davis, Health System has established a unique interdisciplinary institute to conduct research and provide clinical programs focused on these disorders. Leading scientists, physicians and educators in fields as diverse as molecular genetics and clinical pediatrics are joining forces to better understand development and brain function.
NeuroImmune Dysfunction Syndromes (NIDS)
Mission is to identify effective medical treatments, and potentially a cure for those suffering from Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD, ADD, ADHD, CFS, CFIDS and others.
Autism / PDD Research Team
Conducting two separate research studies of autism/PDD under the supervision of Dr. Peter Szatmari. The 'Genetic Study' is an investigation of the genetic factors that may cause autism/PDD and the second study is a long-term 'Follow-up Study' of high functioning PDD children.
Autism Autoimmunity Project
A non-profit charity dedicated to obtaining funding for independent research addressing immunological and immunogenetic abnormalities in autism.
Autism Biomedical Information Network
Science-based biomedical information and commentaries on autism/PDD. Includes definitions of "good" science and research.
University of Chicago Laboratory for Developmental Neuroscience
Dedicated to studying the molecular basis of pediatric onset neuropsychiatric disorders. Now working with collaborators on the molecular genetics of autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, childhood onset obsessive-compulsive disorder, stuttering, adolescent depression, and pediatric and early onset bipolar mood disorder.
Research Relevant to Autism
Promotes interdisciplinary perspectives on autism spectrum disorders and brings attention to research findings in neurochemistry that may be relevant to problems of language development and auditory attention.
Autism Research Centre (ARC)
Acts to draw together the various strands of research being carried out at Cambridge University, integrating the different levels of explanation (genetic, neural, cognitive, and behavioural) by fostering cross - disciplinary collaboration.
Literal Detours: Propositions On Abstraction In High Functioning Autistic Individuals
Paper on abstraction and language issues in HFA individuals.
Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism
Provides funding for services for financially disadvantaged families who need assistance in caring for their autistic children; funds research and education into the causes and consequences of childhood autism; serves as a clearinghouse and communications center for new and innovative programs and services developed for autistic children.
Targeting the Autism Genome (TAG)
Non-profit organization that brings technologies such as "Reverse Functional Genomics" and other breakthroughs in developmental biology, stem cells and genomics to Autism Research.
Pepcid (famotidine) for Autism
Research on Pepcid (famotidine) for children with autism and pervasive developmental disorders.
Exploring Autism
Information about breakthroughs in genetic research of autism. Genetics overview, history of autism, news, family stories, frequently asked questions, and links.
GGSE Autism Research and Training Center
University of California, Santa Barbara program that focuses on behavior modification therapy. Features information on publications, grants, conferences, and current research projects.
Autism Research Resource
Directory of genetic databases hosted by the Coriell Institute for Medical Research.
MMR Autism Report Summary
Immunization safety review of the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. Report commissioned by the National Academies, Institute of Medicine.
UCSD Autism Research Laboratory
Provides information on research activities conducted on the campus of the University of California, San Diego. Offers details on the parent training program, sibling and speech studies
University of Wisconsin Research on Autism Homepage
Provides an overview of research activities, information for parents and links to related resources.
Information about Secretin
Features articles describing the use of secretin in autism treatment therapies. Provided by the University of Albany Psychology Department.
Autism and Related Disorders Program
University of South Dakota center fosters research, training, evaluation, and offers consultations and family support groups. Features news, publications, including a handbook for families, and staff profiles.
Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Program at the Vanderbilt Child Development Center providing specialized services for children with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Offers information on behavior management, social skills and early intervention programs.
UW Collaborative Program of Excellence in Autism
Research on the behavioral, biological and genetic components of autism directed by Geraldine Dawson of the University of Washington. Features program goals, overview of findings and links to newspaper and journal articles.
Autistic Behavior and FXS
Research into the relationship between autistic characteristics and fragile X syndrome (FXS) conducted by Don Bailey and Gary Mesibov of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Features project goals and summary of findings.
Music Therapy Research
A literature review by Kirsten Coons of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Features annotated journal and Internet references focusing on the goals and methodologies of this form of therapy.
Autism Society of America Foundation
The primary mission of ASAF is to raise and allocate funds to address the many unanswered questions about autism. ASAF sponsors work as diverse as the people affected by autism, spanning such fields as neurobiology, education, behavioral science, adult services, and disability law.
The Seaver Center for Autism Research and Treatment
Program dedicated to unraveling the biological causes of autism and developing effective treatments at the Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Features information on clinical programs, family studies and neuroimaging research.
Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Epidemiology
Established to increase understanding of the factors that lead to the development of autism and other developmental disabilities.
Dr. Anthony R Torres - Autism Theory
Director of the BioMedical Lab at Utah State University shows a probable link between autism and the widespread use of antipyretics.
Origins of Autism
The causes or etiology of autism described from an evolutionary perspective.
International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium
Team of clinicians, laboratory researchers and statistical geneticists from several European countries and the U.S.A., established to investigate the genetic basis of Autism and related disorders. Newsletters, excerpts from their publications and links to other autism sources.
Autism and the Pervasive Developmental Disorders Research
Describes research program at Stanford University, School of Medicine. Features information on joining a study, publications, news, and links to related sites.
Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General - Autism
Brief overview of the current research.
Autism Clinical Trials
List of clinical trials, results, and resources.