Celiac Disease
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Associations   Dermatitis Herpetiformis      
Web Pages
Celiac Disease (Nontropical Sprue)
InteliHealth, Johns Hopkins Health Information. This page describes symptoms and treatment and also describes the at-risk groups who may develop this disorder.
Paleolithic Eating Support Recipe Archives
Frequently asked questions-like archives of the PaleoFood mailing list. Lots of recipes. The Paleolithic Diet is appropriate for celiacs because it is grain-free.
Pprovide people who have celiac disease with information which will help them lead normal healthy lives.
Gluten Free In WNY
Support for people with Celiac Disease and others on a this diet in the greater Buffalo and Niagara Falls New York area. Includes news, supplements, food links, local restaurants and books and newsletters.
Celiac Disease - American Academy of Family Physicians
AAFP's printable handout for patients diagnosed with celiac disease.
Article: History of the Coeliac Condition
By: Dr James S. Steward, Consultant Physician, West Middlesex University Hospital, Isleworth, Middlesex.
MedicineNet - Celiac Sprue Forum
Information about this disorder and related diseases.
Club Celiac
A site for children with Celiac Sprue to obtain information, support, and recipe, while meeting others their age.
Medinfo: Coeliac disease
Easy to understand summary of coeliac disease, a condition caused by an inability to digest gluten. Written by a UK general practitioner.
Celiac Disease Webring
The purpose of this moderated Webring is to provide a single location with links to web resources for people with Celiac Disease, Dermatitis Herpetiformis and gluten intolerance.
Celiac Canada Mailing List
An electronic mailing list service dedicated to offering support and information to persons with Celiac Disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
Paleolithic Eating Support List
PaleoFOOD is a support list for persons following a paleolithic style diet. Links to web sites pertaining to this diet. Search the archives, join the list and post a message from this site.
Archives of Celiac@Maelstrom.St Johns.Edu
Provides archives for diet topics, discussion list, and board for posting messages related to Celiac Disease.
About Celiac Disease
Facts, provided by the NIDDK (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders).
UK orientated with emphasis on bringing people with coeliac disease together for support and friendship. Includes links to information including food lists, restaurants, recipes, and research.
Celiac Disease - University of Chicago
A description of celiac disease for patients, physicians, and other medical professionals.
Linda Blanchard's Wheat Free Zone
Lifestyle information for celiacs and people suffering with dermatitis herpetiformis.
Clan Thompson Celiac Disease Information
Maintained lists of gluten-free foods, drugs, and cosmetics; free e-books to download, articles, recipes, a disease database and information for vegetarians.