Web Pages
A free monograph on constipation for patient counseling.
A look at this disorder, and what is normal, the causes, when to see a doctor, diagnosing and treatment.
Laxative Forum
Provides information, links and details about stimulant laxative abuse.
Virtual Hospital: A Guide for Patients
A short document providing information to treat constipation such as bulk agents, bran, adequate fluid intake, suppositories, enemas and regular exercise.
NIDDK: Constipation
A look at who gets it, the causes, diagnostic tests, treatment and how serious this is.
Advice on Constipation
Personal tips on what to do if you have this disorder.
Constipation Help
Practical advice about how to win over this illness. Contains detailed descriptions of the methods that the author used.
Natural Healthlink
Detailed information on constipation and related dietary and nutritional changes that may be helpful.
Constipation in Down Syndrome
How to fix this problem. Includes information on senna tea, magnesium, and serotonin.
Constipation Salvation
A different approach which includes the use sweets and lubricants. Offers a survey, the results and a discussion forum.
eMedicine - Constipation
Dr. Marc Basson offers a clinical overview of acute, subacute, and chronic constipation, one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. Includes recommendations on self-diagnosis, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes.
Pediatric OnCall
A time tested home made remedy for the treatment of constipation.