United States
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Alabama   Arizona   Arkansas   
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Illinois   Indiana   Iowa   
Kansas   Kentucky   Louisiana   
Maine   Maryland   Massachusetts   
Michigan   Minnesota   Mississippi   
Missouri   Nebraska   Nevada   
New Hampshire   New Jersey   New Mexico   
New York   North Carolina   Ohio   
Oklahoma   Oregon   Pennsylvania   
Rhode Island   South Carolina   Tennessee   
Texas   Utah   Virginia   
Washington   Washington, DC   Wisconsin   
Web Pages
Versacchi Institute
Information about the company, non surgical hair loss products, surgery, FAQs, and contact details. Located in Maryland and Virginia.
Bosley Medical
Offers information on male pattern baldness, female hair loss, and treatment options. Numerous locations throughout the USA.
LaserHairRemoval .com
Laser hair removal and hair removal information. Listings of offices, and products as well as information and photos. Locations throughout the USA and Canada.
Research on alopecia areata, men/women hair loss, treatments, replacements or transplants. Located in Cleveland, Ohio and Texas.
The New Hair Institute
Specializing in follicullar unit hair restoration. Locations in New York, New Jersey, Texas, and California.
Medical Hair Restoration
Review of hair loss treatments, offering a free video on hair transplantations. Locations across the United States. Site can be viewed in English or Spanish.
Looks for Less
Plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, collagen and rhinoplasty services. Locations throughout the United States.