Personal Pages
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Digestive_Disorders>Esophagus>Reflux_Disease>Personal Pages
Web Pages
Reflux (GERD) Reality: How Reflux Stress Emotionally Impacts the Family Unit....
Mother's perspective of the emotional reality of reflux and how it affects the family. 'You are not Alone' journal entries written by a Reflux Mom that will touch your heart. Links to GERD info and other sources.
The Giles Family
This is a family with 3 reflux children, all with varing degrees.
Dylans Reflux Story
This is my 3 yr old sons story of what his little life has been like since birth dealing with reflux.
Nathans Story
About My Little Angel
The author shares her sons battle with an extreme case of reflux(GERD).