United States
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Georgia   Hawaii   Idaho   
Illinois   Indiana   Iowa   
Kansas   Kentucky   Louisiana   
Maine   Maryland   Massachusetts   
Michigan   Minnesota   Mississippi   
Missouri   Montana   Nebraska   
Nevada   New Hampshire   New Jersey   
New Mexico   New York   North Carolina   
North Dakota   Ohio   Oklahoma   
Oregon   Pennsylvania   Rhode Island   
South Carolina   South Dakota   Tennessee   
Texas   Utah   Vermont   
Virginia   Washington   Washington, DC   
West Virginia   Wisconsin   Wyoming   
Web Pages
Gateway Rehabilitation Center
Provides comprehensive care for chemically dependent youth, adults, and their families. Located in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Oxford House
Democratically run, self-supporting, and drug free group home. A national directory of all the houses is provided.
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator
Find a detox, rehab, halfway house, clinic, or counseling center anywhere in the United States. For both alcoholism and drug addiction. Maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Assisted Recovery Centers
Out-patient, non-12-step treatment program for recovery from alcoholism or opiate addiction. Locations in several US states.
National Drug Rehab Referral Alliance
Drug data per state. Information on approaches to treatment. Referrals available based on filling out a form.
Valley Hope Association
A nationally-recognized, nonprofit organization that provides chemical dependency treatment services. Locations in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Pride Institute
Details about the facilities and contact information. Provides mental health and chemical dependency treatment services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. Locations in Texas, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, and New Jersey.