Public Relations
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Web Pages
How The American Tobacco Industry Employs PR Scum To Continue Its Murderous Assault On Human Lives
Article in the Desert Evening News. The rise of tobacco industry parallels the rise of the PR industry. Longtime PR industry watcher John Stauber has the details.
Confidential Tobacco PR Memo
Memo from tobacco industry PR firm on how to sell and lobby for the industry's "proposed resolution".
How the Industry Argues That Nicotine Is Not Addictive
Analysis of the industry argument that nicotine is not addictive. Extensive documentation on how industry PR misleads and confuses the public about the science, on a critical issue: addiction.
Death of a Watchdog
Long article covers the creation and exposure of Contributions Watch, a front for Philip Morris.
The War on Truth
Interview with John Stauber, a PR-industry watcher, has a short section on use of PR by the tobacco industry.
Philip Morris' Slick Ads Can't Gloss over Facts
Op-ed responds to Philip Morris PR.
Behind the Smokescreen: Philip Morris Philanthropy
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids report on recent Philip Morris gift-giving.
A Brief Analysis of the Brown and Williamson Website: An Effort to Taint Juries? by Cliff Douglas
An attorney takes a close look at the new web site and finds "a slick effort to make B&W look responsible and caring and to inoculate it against liability and punitive damages."
Philip Morris Tries to Polish Its Image
Editorial from Minnesota Medical Association comments on Philip Morris's recent image campaign.
Philip Morris Puts Up Good Citizen Smokescreen
Editorial comments that tobacco giant Philip Morris "recently spent $2 million on domestic violence programs nationally, part of $60 million it spent on charity in 1999. That same year, Philip Morris spent $108 million on the advertising campaign to tell us about it".
Philip Morris's "Philanthropy"
Wall Street Journal report on a TV ad that Philip Morris spent more to make than on the philanothropy the ad talked about.
Philip Morris Money
Article from the American Prospect examines the uses and reasons for the philanthropy of the largest tobacco company in the world.
PR Watch: Why Philip Morris Hates Trial Lawyers
Covers PR and lobbying activities of tobacco giant Philip Morris.
TeeVee - Blowing Smoke Up Our Asses
TV critic writes in reaction to Philip Morris TV ads promoting the company.
Philip Morris's Preferred Themes and Phrases
Brief analysis of which terms and phrases Philip Morris uses in its PR, and why.
Keep America Beautiful
PR Watch article examines whether KAB is a grassroots non-profit or a tobacco front group.
Art At Any Cost?
Editorial in Contemporary Dance magazine explores Big Tobacco's involvement and sponsorship of the performing arts and dance in particular.
Altria Means Tobacco: Philip Morris's Identity Crisis
American Journal of Public Health article summarizes why Philip Morris changed its name, and what this means for tobacco, smoking, disease, and health advocates.
Philip Morris Promises to Polish its Image
News article on Philip Morris image campaign reveals the PR is aimed at boosting its stock price and helping it in court.
PR in the Playground
ASH-UK report on the tobacco industry's "youth smoking prevention" programs explores their PR design and purposes.
Tobacco Industry "Prevention" Programs
Analysis of tobacco industry "youth smoking prevention" programs such as "We Card".
Tobacco's Secondhand Science of Smoke-Filled Rooms
PR Watch report on tobacco industry PR push to get the public to doubt the health effects of secondhand smoke; analyses industry tactics.
Philip Morris Attempts to Re-define Image
Reviews the image makeover, featuring ads about charities; explores the whys and hows behind the campaign, in particular why Philip Morris has a credibility problem.
Tobacco Industry Youth Anti-Tobacco Programs
Report from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids on Philip Morris's ad campaign, its PR design, and its goals.
The Kinder, Friendlier Face of Philip Morris
Columnist comments on recent PR efforts of the largest tobacco company in the world.
Corporate Goodwill or Tainted Money?
Philip Morris is spending more to publicize its good deeds than it's spending on the good deeds themselves. ABCNews tells why.
Flack Attack
PR Watch article on tobacco industry PR.
WHO Faces Up to Its Tobacco Links
PR strategies used by the tobacco industry to get the World Health Organization to derail or weaken its tobacco campaign.
Brown and Williamson's "Responsible" Web Site
Extended analysis of Brown and Williamson Tobacco's website, its purposes, PR, and messages.
Timeline: Public Image
Tobacco industry documents grouped on a timeline show inside thinking on PR.
Rick Berman and Tobacco Front Groups
PRWatch exposes the $600,000 in Philip Morris money used to create "Guest Choice", and Berman's other connections to Big Tobacco.
Philip Morris Launches Campaign that Promotes Industry Image
Short item analyzes Philip Morris TV PR campaign using internal tobacco industry memos that discuss such campaigns.
Tobacco Company Charity Advertisements
Op-ed on Philip Morris ads: "Philip Morris spent $60 million on charity, and $108 million on advertising to tell us about it".
An Open-ended Attack on the Public Interest
PR Watch article highlights use of front groups by Philip Morris and the tobacco industry.
Constructing "Sound Science" and "Good Epidemiology": Tobacco, Lawyers, and Public Relations Firms
Article in the American Journal of Public Health on Philip Morris's "sound science" campaign reveals it to be a public relations campaign aimed at bashing the science of secondhand smoke.
Council for Tobacco Research
PR Watch report on tobacco front described by the Wall Stree Journal as "the longest-running misinformation campaign in US business history"; covers personnel, history, funding, and provides a case study.
Philip Morris Draws Fire For Anti-smoking Freebies to Schools ANJETTA McQUEEN, AP 5jan01
Article on millions of book covers sent by Philip Morris to schools examines possible reasons for the giveaway.
Philip Morris Promises to Polish its Image
Article explains Philip Morris's reasons for its recent image advertising: to reduce its court losses.
Humboldt Women for Shelter says 'no thanks' to Philip Morris
"The mission of Humboldt Women for Shelter is to help and protect women. We knew that was not compatible with an industry that is responsible for the deaths of approximately 200,000 women per year."
Cigarette Firms Prepared to Throw Millions Into Public Relations Battle
Short article on extent and nature of tobacco industry PR activities.
Philip Morris: Killing to Make a Difference
CorpWatch reviews the Philip Morris image PR campaign, and gives Philip Morris a Greenwash award for its TV commercials.
Documents Reveal the Tobacco Industry's Spin Control
Knight-Ridder article examines what tobacco industry documents show about industry PR and litigation.
Tobacco Company by Any Other Name Would Still be Philip Morris
News item covers a Philip Morris PR event.
BAT's Socially Responsible Smoke Screen
PR watch article provides background and analysis of tobacco giant BAT's latest image campaign.
Philip Morris's "Philanthropy"
Wall Street Journal article covers a major TV ad from Philip Morris, "with production costs far exceeding the actual food donation depicted".
Big Tobacco Feels the Heat
Article describes PR mechanisms and strategies used by the tobacco industry, including infliltrating campaign groups to weaken their impact.
Philip Morris Lobbying Tactics
Article on PR tactics used by Philip Morris to undermine the World Health Organization.
More Smoke and Mirrors
Ontario Medical Association analysis of tobacco industry sponsored "youth smoking prevention" programs concludes they are a tobacco industry PR campaign, designed to make the industry look good, not to reduce youth smoking.
Smoking'! How the Tobacco Industry Employs PR Scum
News article covers the development of the PR industry with the tobacco industry, and how and why tobacco uses PR today.
Tobacco's Youth Anti-smoking Programs Promote the Industry
The tobacco industry's own documents show that most youth smoking prevention programs it has supported are designed to promote tobacco industry political and marketing aims rather than to reduce smoking.
Tobacco Industry Youth Programs Are Smokescreen
The tobacco industry's own documents show that most youth smoking provention programs it has supported are designed to promote industry political and marketing aims, rather than reduce smoking, according to researchers who analyzed nearly 500 industry documents.
Graphic Obscurity
Philip Morris's connection to tobacco has disappeared behind a vague new corporate name and logo; article explores why.
Council for Tobacco Research - Disinfopedia
Extensive article covering one of the tobacco industry's longest running PR vehicles.
Lawyer Control of the Tobacco Industry's External Research: Brown and Williamson Documents... [Fulltext, Jul 19 JAMA. 1995;274:241-247] (c) AMA 1996
Research article in medical journal documents how the tobacco industry funded research to generate good publicity for the industry, to deflect attion away from tobacco as a health danger, and to attempt, sometimes secretly, to influence policymakers.
Cigarette Company Documents Outline Strategy to Derail Global Tobacco Treaty
Internal company records reveal a key tobacco industry player's sophisticated PR campaign.