Infectious Diseases
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Web Pages
Hookworms in Dogs and Cats
What is the life cycle of this worm? How is it transmitted, diagnosed and treated? Why is it a human and pet health care concern?
Canine Tick Diseases
Covers Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis with consideration to their phases, diagnosis and misdiagnosis of these ailments. Includes the treatment of choice for them.
A clinical and comprehensive examination of this tick-borne canine disease which is a silent and deadly killer.
Giardia in Dogs
A veterinary surgeon with a special interest in parasitology, describes the infection and how it can be treated and controlled.
Lyme Disease
Is your dog at risk? Also gives simple and concise information about the symptoms, prevention, and treatment of this ailment.
Mange In Your Pet
Article discusses the signs and treatment of sarcoptic and demodectic mange in dogs and cats.
Heartworms In Your Pet
Article discusses the signs and treatment of heartworms, Dirofilaria immitus, in dogs and cats.
Nutritional Medicine for Cats and Dogs
Case report on the integrated approach to heartworm disease. Describes natural therapies for the prevention and treatment of this infection.
How Disgusting are Tapeworms in Pets?
Vet advice on how harmful these intestinal worms are in pet dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents and animals. Discusses transmission to treatment.
Valley Fever
Personal account of a dog diagnosed with this ailment. Discusses medication with special caution about checking prescriptions and their cost.