Palliative Care
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Web Pages
Before I Die
The online component to the PBS program " Before I Die: Medical Care and Personal Choices". The program explores the medical, ethical, and social issues surrounding end-of-life care in America today.
Dying Well
The president of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Dr. Ira Byock, provides excerpts from his book about resources for patients and families facing life-limiting illness.
End of Life Physician Education Resource Center (EPERC)
Training material and informational repository for physicians who educate about end of life (EOL) issues.
Physicians for Life: Palliative Care Bulletin Board
News and quotes about palliative care.
Palliative Care
Patient resources, forums, a newsletter and professional resources are offered. Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care
Offers information, resources on pain management, palliative care and ethical/legal issues.
Pioneer Programs in Palliative Care: Nine Case Studies
In this report clinicians at nine hospitals describe the establishment of formal programs of palliative care.
Palliative Care for Children
American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement offers advice on the development of a pediatric palliative care plan.
University of Ottawa Institute of Palliative Care
A Canadian center for advanced training, research and scholarship in palliative and hospice care. The institute's mission is to increase the quality of life for people with terminal illness.
VA Faculty Leader Project
The development of a benchmark curricula for end-of-life and palliative care for training resident physicians from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Living Lessons(TM)
A national initiative to increase awareness of hospice palliative care and services in Canada. The campaign is presented in partnership with the Canadian Palliative Care Association and The Glaxo Wellcome Foundation.
The Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care
A center located at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital answers questions about palliative care.
Pain and Palliative Care Reporter
A public resource of general information on the legal aspects of pain management and end-of-life care in the United States.
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Symptom Control and Palliative Care
A resource for clinical information, education, research and academic training in palliative care.
LMI - Progress in Palliative Care
A journal with an international perspective that provides a forum for rapid interchange of information on all aspects of palliative care.
Centre for Bioethics - Journal of Palliative Care
A Canadian-based, peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary forum for practical, critical thought on palliative care and palliative medicine.
HELP: Helpful Essential Links to Palliative Care
A program undertaken by the University of Dundee to deal with pain, communication issues, distressing symptoms and care in the context of palliative care.
Johns Hopkins Medicine: Palliative Care
FAQs about palliative care. Education for Physicians on End of Life Care
Offers details on conferences, products, resources and trainers.
Program on the Medical Encounter and Palliative Care
A research organization, affiliated with the Duke University and Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in Durham, North Carolina.
Americans for Better Care for the Dying
Seeks to achieve substantive health care reform through improved policy, professional practice, and care reimbursement.
Innovations in End-of-Life Care
This on-line journal features peer-reviewed examples of promising practices in end-of-life care.
Saint Joseph's Hospital - PalliativeProgram
Information about palliative care and this multidisciplinary team of palliative care providers.
Palliative Care Corner
A forum to introduce both common and new palliative management strategies for physical symptoms.
HMS Center for Palliative Care
Programs offered at Harvard Medical School for healthcare professionals. Located in Boston, Mass.
Jenkin and McLeod
Information about this Australian based team of consultants which design training packages for medical professionals and facilities who require a palliative care model.
Palliative Drugs
Provides independent information for health professionals about drugs usage in this specialty.
Cochrane Pain, Palliative Care and Supportive Care Group
Information on this research review group, a member of the international Cochrane Collaboration, dedicated to providing systematic reviews of published evidence in the field of palliative care.
General Practice Notebook - Palliative care
Coverage of this medical speciality.
Center to Advance Palliative Care
Promotes wider access to palliative care in hospitals and health systems throughout the United States.
Supportive Care of the Dying: A Coalition for Compassionate Care
Tools, resources, and a quarterly newsletter for health care professionals providing end-of-life care.
Sue Ryder Care
UK palliative care charity with seven hospices, which provide pain control, respite care and day care for people with serious and terminal conditions.
End-of-Life Care Eases Pain and Prepares Patient for Death
Article on palliative care.
Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care
US organization dedicated to improving healthcare for dying persons and their families through demonstration projects addressing particular challenges to existing models of hospice and palliative care.
European Journal of Palliative Care
Archived articles for medical professionals and noticeboard.
Texas Academy of Palliative Medicine
Developed for palliative care physicians in Texas, containing details of meetings and useful online resources.