Breed Specific         
Web Pages
Laminitis in Horses
Causes and control of this disease affecting the equine foot.
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis
EPM is an infection of the central nervous system of horses. History, clinical signs, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment are discussed here.
Laminitis Introduction
Laminitis is a malady affecting the horse's foot. There are many causes of laminitis.
Tetanus Information Page - Equine
Information concerning the cause, signs, treatment, and control of equine tetanus. Presented by CSL-Equivac.
Wiemerskamper Grooming Oil
Used to aleviate sweet itch and tail rubbing. Testimonials, product specs, and delivery information. Company based in Germany.
Minimize headshaking syndrome in horses
Minimize head shaking common to horses within weeks in most cases using our special combination of safe homeopathic products risk free.
Leg Injuries In Horses
Common leg injuries in the horse including tendonitis, bucked shins and carpal tunnel syndrome, plus treatment options.
The Piedra Foundation for Equine Health
A charitable horse health organization provides funding for equine medical research, offers continuing health education and facilitates emergency financial assistance for treatment of horses.
All equine health articles from stringhalt and navicular disease to dental exams and vaccination charts. Several links to horse health articles.
Grass Sickness
Links to information about this equine disease.
Email discussion group, concerning the epidemic of HYPP in the Quarter horse, Appaloosa and Paint horse world. Discussions on other genetic disorders welcome. Information on how to join; and public message archives.
The National Sweet Itch Helpline
Sweet Itch symptoms, cause, and management advice based on consultation with specialist veterinary scientists and entomologists, plus practical experience in managing cases over a 10 year period.
Virtually Horses - Laminitis
Article on Laminitis, including an article on the latest treatments from Dr Robert Eustace. Stages, causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Horses Navicular Disease
Description of different types of navicular disease. Point of view of the farrier.
Personal account of owning a pony with headshaking. This illness is little understood by owners and vets alike. Includes a list of the management methods tried and their success.
Revolutionary veterinary technique which stimulates the regeneration of injured equine tendons and ligaments.
Headshaking in Horses
An informative and extensive site for owners of headshaking horses. Includes a discussion of the possible symptoms, causes and treatments.