Alternative Views
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Web Pages
A site for foot and mouth comment, helpful advice for and requests for help from those threatened with 'cull', and links to many press items.
Farm Talking
Offers help and advice to those for whom they or their animals are the victims of unreasonable treatment by Government officials or anyone else, during the foot and mouth crisis.
Foot and Mouth - Vaccinate Now
North scientist Dr Harash Narang one of the first people to say there was a human form of BSE or mad cow disease - has called for a mass vaccination programme to combat the foot and mouth outbreak.
Rip-off Britain - Foot and Mouth Disease
In depth analysis to suggest that the foot and mouth crisis is due to aircraft in-flight galley waste used as illegal pig swill.
Foot and Mouth and the Epynt, mid Wales, UK
Official protest site for the Epynt Action Group campaigning against the burial and disposal of foot-and-mouth carcasses on the Epynt Mountain near Brecon in mid Wales during the UK's current FMD outbreak.