Web Pages
Jivanti Compound
Product information in ayurvedic products for cattle.
The Holistic Dairy Veterinarian
Articles about holistic health therapies and medicine, related to livestock.
Labo Solidago Tutorial
A course in treatment and prevention of illnesses affecting dairy cows and calves using homeopathy.
Holistic Stock Health
Holistic health care for livestock seminars by Randy Kidd, DVM.
Holistic Goats
Articles, links and e-mail list for those interested in healing goats with herbs and natural methods.
Holistic Approach to Animal Health
An holistic veterinary model for farm animal livestock disease and welfare situations is presented for the benefit of farmers and veterinarians.
Medicinal Plants for Livestock
Cornell University website on benefits and toxicities of medicinal plants for livestock.
Materials and Methods for Organic Livestock
Materials and methods which are allowed, restricted, and prohibited in livestock production by the Virginia Act.