Web Pages
Antioxidants for Hip Dysplasia
Veterinary Quarterly abstract on clinical evaluation of oral antioxidants as a treatment for arthritis due to hip dysplasia.
Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC)
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences - abstract of scientific paper that establishes range for serum TAC and determines correlation between TAC and some individual antioxidants.
Vitamin Supplements for Dogs
RC Steele - Article about when to use vitamin supplements in dogs.
Antioxidants in Sled Dogs
American Journal of Veterinary Research abstract on the effect of antioxidants on attenuation of muscle damage in exercising sled dogs.
Antioxidants And Their Role In Your Dog's Health
Article by Dr. Dan Christian on what antioxidants are, and why they are important for the dog.
Antioxidants in Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs
Article on the imbalance in the oxidant-antioxidant system in dogs with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
Cartilage Stimulatory and Antiproteolytic Activity in Sera of Dogs Treated with a Chondroprotective Agent
Abstract of scientific article which concludes that Cosequin given orally over extended periods of time elevates levels of circulating agents which stimulate cartilage metabolism while inhibiting cartilage degradation.
Iams Company article on antioxidants, how they work, how they affect the immune response, and how and why they are important to puppies and older dogs.
Conklin Company Inc.
Fastrack Direct-Fed Microbials help promote and maintain a healthy digestive tract even following challenges such as birth, weaning and antibiotic therapy.
Nutrient Supplements for Working, Running and Hunting Dogs
IG Hawaii pet health information article by L. Phillips Brown, D.V.M.
Recovery SA
Supplement providing lasting relief of the pain and inflammation of arthritis, hip dysplasia, injury, osteochondrosis and more.