Protein, Amino Acids, Enzymes
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Web Pages
Dog Food Protein and its Amino Acids
Article discusses essential and non-essential amino acids, functions of amino acids, protein requirements and protein sources.
Plasma Albumin and Feeding
ProVet article on nutritive therapy for low plasma albumin levels.
Protein and Weight Management
Article on the importance of choosing a weight management diet with at least 25% protein, and using the “rib check” to determine if your dog is overweight.
Protein and Canine Aggression
ProVet healthcare information article the beneficial effect of low protein diets on behaviour in dogs, especially on aggression. There have been many anecdotal reports, but few scientific studies have been performed.
Protein Requirements for Good Nutrition in the Dog
Article on amino acids, protein quality, protein requirements, reeding too pmuch protein, interpreting food labels, and protien requirements of large and giant breed dogs.
Protein Requirements
Reprinted with permission from Ralston Purina Canada.
When You Feed Meat to Dogs, You Feed Creatine
Article on feeding meat to working dogs.
Protein Sources
Reprinted with permission from Ralston Purina Canada.
Animal and Plant Proteins in Dry Dog Foods
Article that debunks the myth that dogs are carnivores, and discusses and appropriate omnivore diet of meat and plants.
Taurine in Newfoundlands with Dilated Cardiomypathy
ProVet pet healthcare information article.
Carnitine: A Review
Abstract of scientific article on the role of carnitine in health, carnitine deficiency and carnitine supplementation.
The Importance of Animal Based Protein
Iams Company article on why dogs need protein, animal vs. plant source protein, and how dogs are omnivores, but are best fed as carnivores.
Iams Company article on what L-carnitine is, how it works, and how it affects overweight dogs.
Dietary Taurine Deficiency and Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs
UC Davis article by Dr. Andrea Fascetti and Dr. Robert Backus on the investigation of the relationship between taurine deficiency and dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs.
Enzymes in Canine Diets
Article on the importance of enzymes in the canine diet, by a great dane breeder.