Web Pages
Echinacea and Other Herbal Immunostimulants for Pets
Article by Alan Schoen, DVM.
Echinacea angustifolia
Information about Echinacea and its medicinal uses in pets.
The Original Holisticat (tm) Archives - Echinacea
Archives of discussion group on the use of echinacea in cats.
Echinacea Monograph
Echinacea Pallida root for pets.
Echinacea Monograph
Echinacea Purpurea herb for pets.
Echinacea - an immune booster
DORG - The Dachshund Magazine On-Line article.
The Use of Echinacea in Dogs and Cats
Echinacea, known as purple coneflower, may be used to treat bacterial and viral infections in dogs and cats.