Web Pages
Denture Wearers Action Group
Has the goal of educating consumers regarding the difference between dentists and denturists.
College of Denturists of British Columbia
Includes responsibilities, bylaws, newsletters, minutes of meetings, handbook for registrants, and public reports.
Denturist Association of British Columbia
Information for denture users and patients. Information about denture treatments. List of denturists in British Columbia.
American Dental Association
Provides FAQs about dentures.
About Guide John Brooke
Information about the different types of complete and partial dentures and the different treatment options available.
Dentures Quest
Journal follows the decision to obtain dentures and the dental procedures and treatments involved.
Quality Dentistry
Here are answers to common questions about partial dentures.
Partial Dentures
A discussion on how these are made, worn and cared for.
Dental Reference
Access information on oral care, dental conditions, and dental treatments. Find out how dentures are made, how to take care of them, and the answers to common problems.