Wound Care
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Web Pages
Internurse: Wound Care
Professional site. Contains original content including clinical work by well respected researchers, product information and a large archive of information. Parts of the site are only available by subscription.
Wound Healing Society
Includes membership information, events, publications, and job listings.
Offers forums and journal summaries.
Wound Care Information Network
Information about moist wound healing, a comprehensive product and manufacturer index and case study photographs.
Woundcare, Infection Control, DVT, Leg Ulcers
Includes sections on leg ulcers, pressure sores, infection control, and the healing process. Content aimed at both patients and nursing professionals.
Wound Care Society
The Wound Care Society is a charitable, non-profit, organisation based in the UK. The site gives an overview of the Society, it's aims and a comprehensive Who's Who. A number of very useful articles are available to purchase from the site.
e - Jottings on Tissue Viability
An on line journal containing high quality, research based, referenced, original material.Includes sections on wound healing, leg ulcers, pressure sores and diabetic foot problems. Updated on a bi-monthly basis. New articles and cases studies accepted for first publication.
Wound Care Global Discussion Forums
Discuss wound care issues with health care professionals from around the world.
Wound Care Information Guide
Information about wound healing, staging, common products used on wounds and links.
World Wide Wounds
An electronic journal and email newsletter about wound management practice. High quality independent product and therapy information and a busy forum. Created and maintained by the team at the "Surgical & Materials Testing Labs" in Wales.
Chronic Wound Healing
Tutorial on chronic wound care. Definitions, assessment, aspects of therapy including nutrition.
Wound Care Kit for Rapid Healing
Advertising site for the "Wound Care Kit" an all herbal wound healing system. Includes case studies as clinical evidence.