Facial Differences
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Apert Syndrome   Cleft Lip and Palate   Craniosynostosis   
Langer-Giedion Syndrome   Parry-Rombergs Syndrome   Stickler's Syndrome   
Treacher Collins Syndrome         
Web Pages
The Personal Side of Craniofacial Differences
Personal accounts of living with craniofacial conditions, and related webrings.
Acne Support Group
Information and support on acne, including top ten tips, beauty tips and problems.
Disfigurement Guidance Centre
Support and information for people with facial and other disfigurements via post or telephone. Details of International Skin Laser Directory and booklets. Based in Scotland.
FACES: The National Craniofacial Association
Support and resources concerning craniofacial disorders including information on 28 specific craniofacial disorders. Financial assistance for secondary costs. USA based organization.
Crouzon Support Network
A network designed to offer support to individuals and families dealing with Crouzon's Syndrome and other craniofacial anomalies.
Moebius Syndrome
Moebius Syndrome support, information and resource site.
The Journey to Sara's Smile
Canadian surgeon Dr Ronald Zuker performed nerve graft surgery to remedy Sara's left-sided facial paralysis.
Sincere Meditations
Born with a severe facial disfigurement, David Roche has turned his "flaw" into a source of strength and he brings this to his audiences.
International organization providing information and emotional support to individuals and their families affected by facial differences and disfigurements.
Changing Faces
UK-based charity giving support and information to people with facial disfigurement and other facial differences and their families, and the professionals who work with them.
Support Works Online
Resources to find or form support groups related to facial difference. Information on medical research.
The Craniofacial Foundation of Arizona
Provides information and support for people with head and face disfigurement. Happy Faces Family Network is a non-medical organization of volunteers, aiming to raise public awareness of craniofacial problems, promoting community acceptance and understanding.
University of Florida Craniofacial Center
Serves patients with craniofacial malformations and their families, conducting research, and educating students and professionals in the discipline of craniofacial science and related healthcare.
The Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Information about the society, which is a multidisciplinary forum for specialists.
The DRM WebWatcher: Facial Differences
A Disability Resources monthly guide to online resources about craniofacial differences.
Let's Face It UK
Friendship and support for people who have a facial difference.
Birthmark Support Group
From the UK-based group, giving information about birthmarks, the process of getting help, treatment centres, newsletters, diaries of events and links to other associated support groups.
The New Face Foundation
A non-profit corporation that treats children born with facial and craniofacial deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palate.
Cancer Of The Eye Linkline (CELL)
UK-based helpline for people whose lives are affected by loss of an eye through cancer or trauma. Support, information and links.
XP Support Group
UK-based organisation giving support, help and information to those affected by xeroderma pigmentosum and other photosensitive conditions.
Children's Craniofacial Association
Dedicated to improving the quality of life for facially disfigured children and their families; addresses the medical, financial, psychosocial, emotional, and educational concerns relating to craniofacial conditions.
Let's Face It USA
A nonprofit network for people with facial difference, their families, friends and professionals. Links professionals, patients, parents and communities to each other and to networks, books and articles.
John Hopkins Center for Craniofacial Development and Disorders
Provides information on research, education and clinical care for researchers and physicians. An educational interactive resource for families. Details activies at the Center.
Beneath the Surface
Offers support and understanding to individuals of facial difference.
Crouzon's Bridge of Hope Foundation
Bridging the gap between hope and knowledge for those suffering with Crouzon Syndrome.
Foundation for Faces of Children
Expert information for families and health care professionals about craniofacial conditions.