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Web Pages
Scleroderma from A to Z
A major resource for medical and support information, with 200+ pages and 800+ links. Symptoms, treatments, clinical trials, and worldwide support group listings.
The Scleroderma Research Foundation
Information about the organization, research, mailing list and resources.
Surviving Scleroderma
An extensive resource for medical information, overview of disease and news from related organizations. A large service of support to visitors worldwide since 1996.
Basic information about this disease, stories from site visitors, pictures, voting booth and treatments.
The Scleroderma Foundation
National nonprofit health organization with 14,000 members, dedicated to a three-fold mission of support, education, and research to help fight this challenging autoimmune disease.
Scleroderma Society of Canada
A non-profit society raising awareness of and funding for research and a cure. Good factual information about this disease.
Scleroderma Lung Study
A research study into the treatment of pulmonary alveolitis with cyclophosphamide seeking patient volunteers. Brief details of this US study for patients and doctors. (May 2000)
Scleroderma from
News, information, and support for patients with this disorder. Links to other sites.
Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium
Information about this international organization which is dedicated to finding a better treatment for this disorder. Includes current studies and a newsletter.
Juvenile Scleroderma Network, Inc.
Details about this organization who is working to provide educational programs about JSD, and to help children and their families to gain a better understanding of this disease.
Scleroderma Society
Offers support and information. Includes an introduction, news and a message board.
Scleroderma Discussion Board
Read the posts or post a message for those who have or who are interested in this disorder.
Chinese Traditional Medicine and Scleroderma
Describes in detail how practitioners in China solve this disorder with TCM strategies and herbs.
Juvenile Scleroderma Webring
Information about joining and open to anyone owning or running a webpage that deals with this disease.
Scleroderma Support Site
Website dedicated to people suffering from scleroderma.
I Have Scleroderma
Web rings with personal stories of people affected by this disease and links to more information.
Scleroderma Foundation of Victoria
Raises awareness of this disorder and offers the aims of the support group in Australia.