Developmental Delay
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Web Pages
Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with Developmental Disabilities
Provides information on the latest research, model programs, and policy issues pertaining to aging people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities
The newsletter covers mental health aspects of diagnosis, treatment, and habilitation needs of persons with developmental disabilities.
Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders
Mission is to improve the identification, prevention and treatment of developmental and learning disorders.
National Institute on Developmental Delays
A national resource center with a global outlook that strives to help children with developmental delays and their families.
Developmental Delay by Kathy Matthews Ph.D.
Article summarizing causes and probable outcomes in developmental delay.
Keep Kids Healthy - Developmental Delays
Developmental delays in children, including the causes of motor, language, social and global delays in development.
The Implications of Culture on Developmental Delay by Rebeca Valdivia
Article on avoiding errors in diagnosis that stem from differences among various cultures and professionals about what constitutes a disability or delay.
Your Child: Developmental Delay
Advice for parents, with links to resources. From the University of Michigan Health System.
Including a Child with a Developmental Delay: Parents and Staff Work Together
Examples of good practice.
Music Therapy for Developmental Delay
A selected bibliography.
How A Child Develops - Development Delay
Description of warning signs, evaluation, and early intervention.
Metro Crisis Coordination Program
MCCP works with individuals, private providers and public agencies in the Twin Cities to prevent crises that affect the residential or work placements of people with developmental disabilities.