Fragile X Syndrome
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Web Pages
Fragile X Association of Southern California
Fragile X Syndrome is the leading inherited cause of developmental disabilities and mental impairment worldwide. It affects 1 in 2,000 males and 1 in 4,000 females. It is estimated that 1 in 259 females are carries of the premutation.
FRAXA Research Foundation Home Page
Non-profit organization run by parents. Fighting to find a cure for Fragile X Syndrome and helping Fragile X Family's.
The National Fragile X Foundation
The National Fragile X Foundation informes and educates about the Fragile X Syndrome.
Links to places to talk about Fragile X.
Fragile X Syndrome - Diagnostic and Carrier Testing
A Policy Statement from the American College of Medical Genetics.
Fragile X Syndrome
Single page on recognition of the condition in young children.
Fragile X Fact's Page
Describing Fragile X Syndrome.
Fragile X Association of Australia
Information on this disease, medical aspects, education, references, contacts and what's new in Australia
Carolina Fragile X Project
A series of studies examining the impact of fragile X syndrome (FXS) on individuals, families and the agencies that serve them.
Conquer Fragile X, Inc.
Creating a virtual research center in Israel to find a cure.
Queensland Fragile X Association
About QFXA, news, events, links and contacts. Also information of fragile X syndrome.
Online Support Group
Support group for Family's who are dealing with Fragile X Syndrome.
Fact Sheets for Health Professionals: Fragile X Syndrome
From the Victorian Government, Australia.
Living with Fragile X
A families acount of raising 3 children with Fragile X.