Huntington's Disease
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Support Groups         
Web Pages
International Huntington Association
Federation of national voluntary health agencies.
Huntington's Disease Clinic
Information on Huntington's disease, research, and its management.
Caring for People with Huntington's Disease
Information about caring for people with Huntington's disease, for patients, families and professionals.
CureHD Foundation
A charity site aiming to spread awareness, information, and news about Huntington's disease.
Huntington's Disease Society of America
Research, assistance, and education.
Huntington's Disease Association UK
Supports people affected by the disease and provides information and advice to professionals.
UCHC Huntington's Disease Program
Services of the Huntington's disease program of the University of Connecticut Health Center.
Tony's Family Site
A personal website detailing how Huntington's disease has affected Tony's family and friends.
Huntington's Disease Advocacy Center
Information, questions and answers, problem-sharing, personal experiences and articles on Huntington's disease.
Huntington's Disease Information
Comprehensive resource on Huntington's disease.
HDSA, Arizona Chapter
Contains general information about Huntington's disease and specific information about this chapter's fund raisers and events.
John and Jean's Story
A personal website with the story of a family affected by Huntington's disease (UK).
Neurology Channel - Huntington's Disease (HD)
Introduction to Huntington's disease, and an ask a doctor forum.
Queensland Australian Huntington's Disease Association
Gives information on Huntington's disease, services available in Queensland Australia and links.
Nutrition for People with Huntington's Disease
Nutritional information, and resource links on aspects of nutritional care for people with Huntington's disease.
Huntington's Disease Program UCHC
Services of the Huntington's disease program of the University of Connecticut Health Center.
Huntington's Disease Facts at a Glance
Huntington's disease facts listed concisely.
Links to overviews, clinical trials, case reports, diagnosis, treatment, research programs on Huntington's disease.
Huntington's Disease
An information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Australian Huntington's Disease Association Inc.
Offers support for families living in the Australian states of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Includes resources and information about NSW.
The Huntington's Disease Lighthouse
Current information on treatments, drugs, support and patient resources.
Shana Martin
The author is at risk for Huntington's Disease, so there is a lot of information on that subject, as well as her personal story.
Huntington Disease Medical Clinic
The clinic provides care from several perspectives for individuals with Huntington Disease (HD) as well as their families. Based at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Hungtington's Disease - Understanding Behaviour
Article by Dr. Jane Paulsen. Resources for families living with Huntington's Disease.
Juvenile HD
Information for families with a child with juvenile HD or one at-risk. Includes at-risk, genetic testing/testing of children, related JHD and HD symptoms and how to recognize/help, types of therapies, various medication and drug searches, surgeries, procedures used in testing, suicide, divorce, disabilities, assisstive technology, support links, and benefits/insurance.