Web Pages
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Information leaflet
Written by a London GP, Dr Sarah Jarvis. Introduction with a look at the symptoms, who gets it, causes, when to see a doctor, tests and treatments.
BPH Partners, I, L.P.
Provides information about benign prostatic hypertrophy, a FAQs, glossary of terms, symptoms guide as well as Prostatron Thermotherapy, a minimally invasive alternative for treatment.
Clinic Summary Studies
Study summaries dealing with prostate disease, from Cernitin America, makers of Cernitin.
Bandolier: BPH
A description of benign prostatic hypertrophy along with a look at the symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment options.
Doctor's Guide to the Internet
Offers medical news and alerts, information, discussion groups, newsgroups and related links for benign protatic hypertrophy.
The Prostate Institute
Information on benign prostatic hypertrophy and treatment. Included is a glossary and links for further research.
References and a patient information such as symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, surgery and after surgery care for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Healing Herbs for an Enlarged Prostate
New research on effective herbal remedies for the treatment and prevention of benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostatitis. An article on this disorder as well.
ArgoMed and WIT
Information about benign prostatic hyperplasia, as well as an in-office procedure, water-induced thermotherapy.
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: from BUPA
Concise fact sheet on causes, symptoms and treatment of this disorder. Can also be downloaded in Acrobat format
Dr Mani Iyer's Prostate Know-Page
Description of the doctor with links to education pages on Prostate, BPH, methods of treatment, High Tech day care Tuna Therapy and more on other problems: stones, infertility and various urological investigations.
Coping With Prostate Problems
Offers prevention, symptoms, treatment and question to ask your doctor before surgery.
Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin Library
Offers information on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as prostate enlargement.
About.Com: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
BPH issues and concerns, especially to the older male are covered and discussed. Includes the symptoms, treatment, do's and don'ts, sexual function, and research.
Prostate Disease
Information about the symptoms, causes and treatments available.
National Institute On Aging Age Page
An explanation of where the prostate is and non cancerous problems, treatment choices, prostate cancer, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.