Protein, Amino Acids, Enzymes
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Web Pages
All Meat Rations
ProVet healthcare information article that explains why all meat rations are dangerous to pets.
Amino Acids and Cancer
ProVet pet healthcare information article discussing the practice of restricting amino acids that are essential for the growth of tumour cells in an attempt to benefit the patient.
ProVet pet healthcare information article on glutamine and gastrointestinal disease.
Arginine Monograph
Description, properties and actions of arginine with respect to pets.
Raw Egg White
ProVet healthcare information article discussing whether raw egg whites are harmful to pets.
Role of Glutamine in Health and Disease
Scientific article abstract on normal glutamine metabolism, and consequences of glutamine deficiency.
Chicken: The Complete Protein Source
Iams Company article on what chicken ingredients are used in pet food, what is natural chicken flavor, and why internal organs and bone are included in chicken by-product meal.
Lamb Meal
Iams Company article on what lamb meal is, how lamb meals can differ and how lamb meals are used in pet foods.
Taurine for Pets
iVillage article by Dr. Shawn Messioner on the importance of the amino acid taurine to dogs and cats.
Vegetarian Cats and Dogs
HappyPets articel which recommends against a vegetarian diet for dogs and cats.
Article on protein and its functions, essential and non-essential amino acids, protein quality, the protein cycle, the urea cycle, and protein deficiency.