Clinical Trials         
Web Pages
Vaccine Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force - Studies
Currently funded research studies sponsored by the Vaccine Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force
The Greyhound Project, Inc.: Cancer Research
Website for the Greyhound Cancer Fund, a fund supporting research into greyhound cancer sponsored by The Greyhound Project
Veterinary Pathology: Cancer in Dogs - The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
A veterinary cancer epidemiology and pathology project with the aim to trace environmental factors common for the development of cancer in dogs and humans.
Cambridge Veterinary School: Research: Oncology
Oncology research at University of Cambridge School of Veterinary Science
The Dog Genome Project
The Dog Genome Project is a study involving the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Oregon, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. It is aimed at producing a map of all the chromosomes in dogs.
Cornell University Comparative Cancer Program
Outlines the cancer research program goals for the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine
Morris Animal Foundation: Canine Cancer Research Studies
A list of the canine cancer-related studies currently funded by the Morris Animal Foundation
Morris Animal Foundation: Feline Cancer Studies
A list of feline cancer-related studies currently funded by the Morris Animal Foundation
Winn Feline Foundation 2003 Grant Awards
A list of current research studies funded by the Winn Feline Foundation, some of which are cancer-related studies