Persistent Vegetative State
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Web Pages
MCW HealthLink
A look at coma and persistent vegetative state. Includes a discussion on treatments and prognosis.
The Persistent Vegetative State
Addresses the medical facts, describes the landmark cases that have led to research into this condition, defends the position that it is ethical and moral to discontinue life-sustaining treatment of patients, and offers links to other sources of information concerning this condition.
NINDS Information Page
Coma and persistent vegetative state data compiled by The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Responding to Patients in the Persistent Vegetative State - An Ethical and Legal Dilemma.
This article was published in Philosophia Christi 19.2 (Fall 1996): 55-83. This journal is a publication of the Evangelical Philosophical Society.
World Medical Association
WMA policy: Statement on persistent vegetative state. Includes a definition, recovery and guidelines.