Web Pages
Green Iguana Hell
Includes X-rays of reptiles with metabolic bone disease, fractures, and poor calcification. Includes graphic pictures of an iguana who died as a result of neglect and injuries suffered while housed with an aggressive male.
Carmen Iguana's Metabolic Bone Disease
Readers may learn more about this preventable affliction. Site includes pictures of iguanas with metabolic bone disease and information about proper lighting, temperature and diet.
Iguana Health Problems
A list and description of some of the more common iguana ailments.
Green Iguana Health
Sponsored by petreptiles.com, this site includes basic health information and a discussion forum for users.
Iguana Nutrition FAQ
Commonly-asked questions and answers about nutrition and diet.
Metabolic Bone Disease in Captive Iguanas
An article on this condtion by veterinarian Rosanne L. Brown.
Metabolic Bone Disease: Does It Really Exist?
An article providing clarification about this metabolic condition.
Iguana Bone Disease
Read about the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis of iguanas with this condition.
Care and Feeding of Iguanas
A basic care sheet from the Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital in San Diego, CA.
Common Diseases of Pet Iguanas
From Ask Dr. Petra, this site has information about some of the more common afflictions for iguanas.
Iguana Feeding Information
An article with advice on feeding your green iguana. The suggestions are based on information obtained from a study of stomach contents of wild iguanas.
Be Careful of What You Feed to Your Iguana
List of plants poisonous to the green iguana, compiled by Cornell University. Includes basic digestion information and diet suggestions.
Iguana Diets - Setting the Record Straight
Sets out to dispel myths about iguana nutrition, including topics such as calcium, alfalfa, fruits, vitamins, and a history of iguana diets on the Internet.
Iguana Care
Article outlining how to successfully keep iguanas as pets; describes proper diet, habitat, husbandry and common diseases.