Conditions and Diseases   Nutrition      
Web Pages
Journal of the World Rabbit Science Association
A refereed scientic journal, published quarterly, that covers rabbit biology and rabbit production.
The Myxomatosis Helpline
Help and advice for caring for rabbits that have myxomatosis.
HRS Articles
Information/articles pertaining to many rabbit dieases written by veterinarians.
Caring For Orphaned Wild Bunnies
Article gives successful techniques for raising orphan wild rabbits.
Allopathic Remedies
An article about Allopathic remedies for rabbits.
Antibody Production
Antibodies from egg yolk, rabbit serum, monoclonal antibody development and production.
Drug Dosage Calculator for Rabbits
A useful resource for vets and rabbit breeders.
House Rabbit Journal: Litterboxes and Liver Disease
Dangers of pine and cedar bedding.
How to Find a Good Rabbit Vet
House Rabbit Society recommendations on how to search and screen a veterinarian experienced with treating rabbits.
The Importance of Analgesia For Rabbits
An article about analgesia for rabbits. Special health article written by Susan A. Brown, DVM.
NetVet - Rabbit Page
Dozens of links to rabbit sites, information and articles about rabbits.
Rabbit Medical Information
A library of links on rabbit medical issues.
RabbitVet List Group
Vets, breeders and pet owners post rabbit health concerns, questions and suggestions.
Sound Diagnostics, Inc.
Sound Diagnostics is a private veterinary diagnostic laboratory, established in 1996 by two veterinarians from the University of Washington.
Valley Animal Hospital
Dr. Eric Westheimer, a veterinarian in Goleta, California, cares for dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, iguanas, rats, guinea pigs and other small animals. Lots of valuable information for pet owners.