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Web Pages
Arthritis Central
General information about arthritis and related conditions, with books, videos, and further articles available by paid subscription. [English/Espaņol]
Antibiotics and Rheumatic Diseases
Low dose antibiotic treatment for rheumatic disorders. Discussion and protocols about this unorthodox treatment.
Arthritis - Doctor's Guide to the Internet
The latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents of patients diagnosed with arthritis and arthritis-related disorders.
Arthritis News on the Net
Information, books, news, and articles. Includes news about arthritis treatments and research.
International Still's Disease Foundation
Information and support to those with Adult Onset Still's Disease and Systemic JRA.
Arthritis: How to Suffer, How to Recover
Relief from arthritis through diet and lifestyle changes. Offers a booklet.
Canyon Ranch: Living with Arthritis
Health resort describes its weeklong retreats to help sufferers learn how to live well with arthritis. In Tucson, Arizona.
Information about the condition and joints generally, with advice on managing and living with it.
Arthritis Insight
Help with living with this condition, including chat rooms, bulletin boards and extensive information on types of arthritis, surgeries, medications, alternative treatments, pain management, and other topics.
Arthritis Institute
Information about the diagnosis, treatment and education of rheumatological diseases.
Arthritis Research
Journal providing the arthritis research community with updates on the latest developments in the field. The journal is also available in print.
Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center
Interactive, educational program for health care professionals about diseases that cause arthritis and their treatments.
Online community for arthritis sufferers which is humorous and lively. Personal experiences shared.
Arthritis: Facts, Disease Prevention and Treatment Strategies
Good nutritional and lifestyle advice for arthritis sufferers, alongside medical and pharmaceutical information. This is the Arthritis section of which also sells nutritional products.
Arthritis As A Chronic Potassium Deficiency
Charles Weber proposes that potassium deficiency is the principle cause of arthritis, and tells you how to increase your potassium intake.
Arthritis Week
News and information about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Arthritis Pages of Drdoc On-line
Includes resources, links and a chat.
Joint Care - Arthritis Protection Strategies
Good information about arthritis. Nutritional, exercise and lifestyle strategies. Part of a commercial site selling nutrition products.
Arthritis Chat Room and Message Boards
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis chat room and message boards. Find out what treatments have worked for others and post messages.
Personal Health Zone
Arthritis resources, information, products and treatments.
Arthritis Information Links
Links to sites about this disorder.
Arthritis Resource Center
Comprehensive resource guide to arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, with medical news, message boards, articles, information, books, and links.
Article describes treatment of arthritis by reducing meats, fats and allergenic foods.
Arthritis - Health factsheets from BUPA
Concise factsheet explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment, available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat.
All About Arthritis
A comprehensive guide to this disease and its treatment. Offers news and use the tools to help manage pain.
Alternative Arthritis Treatments
Information and resources for mind-body treatments, exercise, diet and relaxation techniques to treat this disease.
Arthritis at
Resource of information about arthritis including feature articles, chat, bulletin board and newsletter.
A comprehensive arthritis information site. Browse anonymously or sign up for a personalized report with information specific to your needs.
Information from InteliHealth reviewed by Harvard Medical School. Includes osteoarthritis, pain, alternative therapies, basic diagnostic information, treatment options, ask the expert and news.
MedicineNet: Focus on Arthritis
Medical information about all forms of arthritis including rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, reactive arthritis and discussions on fibromyalgia.
Arthritis Education by Professionals
Dedicated to people needing education and inspiration when dealing with this disease. Help from nationally recognized experts. You can ask medical questions and receive personalized answers.
Severe Hip and Knee Arthritis
A look at total joint replacement of the hip or knee by Edward M. Staub, M.D. This is an increasingly popular surgical option to restore painless freedom of movement and to regain an independent life.
A site that has information on several forms of arthrits. Ankylosing Spondylitis, rhuematoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Links to overviews, case reports, images and research articles for osteomyelitis.
Arthritis and Flexibility
Ohio State University Extension fact sheet on the subject.
The Importance of Stress
The role stress plays in arthritis and suggestions for dealing with this. Written by Anthony di Fabio, M.A. and Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D.
Septic Arthritis & Osteomyelitis
Information of infection of the joints and the bones in children from Pediatric Oncall.
Juvenile Rheumatic Disease Group
Online support for parents of children with a JRD, including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile scleroderma, juvenile dermatomyositis, juvenile systemic lupus, and other rheumatic disorders. Includes resources.
Healing Center: Arthritis
Focuses on how to treat arthritis with alternative medicine and offers step-by-step personalized options for treatment and care.
Designed as a Canadian resource, with background information, self-assessment tests, treatment options, FAQ, and glossary.
Arthritis Remedies and Cures
Some basic remedies to help cure some of the pain associated with the condition.
The Arthritis Source
University of Washington Department of Orthopaedics offers articles on topics include conditions, living with arthritis, medications, and surgery. Features include question-based search and quizzes.
Infective Arthritis
Short article on infective causes of arthritis.
AllExperts Rheumatology/Arthritis Q&A
Experts volunteer to answer questions related to arthritis.
WebMD Health
A consumer health site for arthritis.
eMedicine Health - Arthritis
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of this disorder and related conditions, causes, symptoms and treatment.
Arthritis News and Information
Experts from the Medical College of Wisconsin offer the latest news and information about arthritis.
Living with Arthritis
Information specifically for burn survivors who suffer from this disease. Offers some tips on diet and exercise.
Arthritis News -
News on arthritis collected from diverse sources on the web.
Arthritis and Rheumatology Journals
Directory of links to the homepages of journals specialising in arthritis or rheumatology.
Mayo Clinic Arthritis Center
A large collection of patient resources on arthritic conditions and their treatment and day-to-day management.