Lyme Disease
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Web Pages
Lyme Disease Information and Support
Located in Boston area Massachusetts. Links and updated information on this and other tick-borne diseases, babesiosis and erlichiosis. Also help getting diagnosed and treated.
Lyme Disease Risk Assessments (LDRAs)
Risk assessments conducted by U.S. Army at various military installations, 1983-1996.
Lyme Disease Audio Network
The place to hear audio archives of news and public service announcements to help educate people about the seriousness of this disease.
Lyme Disease: A Patient's Guide
Prepared as part of a cooperative agreement between the American College of Physicians and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Includes an introduction, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and a glossary.
Message boards and chat, newsletter, disease information, patient experiences and stories, directory of related sites, books, email and other resources for patients with Lyme disease.
Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease
Diagnostic Hints and Treatment Guidelines for Lyme and Other Tick Borne Illnesses, Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr., M.D., Thirteenth Edition, May, 2000.
Lyme Disease Explained
A brief explanation of what causes this disease and how it is spread to humans.
Ask NOAH about: Lyme Disease
New York Online Access to Health, City University of New York page of links pertaining to basics, care and treatment, special issues and complications, and other resources.
Lots of Links on Lyme Disease
Over 12,000 links in 80 categories.
Suite 101
Issues relating to the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. Information on daily exercise, diet and meditation to help restore wellness.
Arthritis Insight: Lyme Disease
Information, including statistics, diagnosis, treatment, community center, news, tips and resources.
Lyme Disease page with links to news, information, and support for patients with Lyme disease.
Information from Your Family Doctor
A description of Lyme disease along with a look at the symptoms, the later stages, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and what to do if a tick is found on the skin. Lyme Disease
A definition of this disorder along with a look at the symptoms, diagnoses, treatment and prevention.
Sharing Our Stories
A Lyme disease web site with a message board along with several other topics of interest. Information to pass on and contributions are welcome.
Mayo Clinic: Lyme Disease
A description of the disease plus complications, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.
Connecticut Tick Control - Fighting Lyme Disease
Comprehensive information regarding tick control and the spread of tick-borne diseases.
Lyme Info Net
A large collection of links about and related to this disease.
The Lyme Ring
Informational resources and homepages of people with Lyme disease.
Webmedic4u: Lyme Disease Resource Center
Features news, ticks, treatment, history, drug information, message boards, and links to other sites.
Health A to Z
Feature vaccination information, treatment, message boards, symptoms, risk quiz, and basic information on Lyme disease.
Southern Lyme
News and information about Lyme Disease and ticks in the southeastern United States.