Web Pages
National Psoriasis Foundation
Providing information on symptoms, treatments, research, educational programs, photo archives, case histories, and children's resources. Also offers interactive forums and monthly bulletins.
Psoriasis Associations Catalog
A listing of psoriasis associations and foundations from around the world.
Psoriasis Research
Individual reviews of alternative and traditional treatments, related links and resources, and available newsgroups.
My Psoriasis
Interactive site which offers personalized treatment options based on individual profiles. Also offers related news and articles.
International Psoriasis Community
Non-profit organization whose goal is to form an interactive community, with an emphasis on research fundraising. Featuring psoriasis facts and treatment, clinical trial data, and a scientific advisory committee.
Flake HQ
Electronic newsletter for sufferers of this skin condition. Includes articles, letters, humor, related links, and archived issues.
Psoriatic Arthritis by Dr Doc On-Line
Explains the association of arthritis with psoriasis. Includes symptoms, treatments, and example photos.
A personal experience, discussing various treatment options including a successful sun tanning technique.
Medline Plus: Psoriasis
Offers links to news, articles, and research data regarding this disease. Also offers clinical research data, diagnostics and conditions, and newsletters.
Psoriatic Arthropathy Alliance
Non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of psoriatic diseases. Includes conference schedules, publications and resources, and newsletters.
Clara's Psoriasis Connection
Online support group with forums, mailing lists, and scheduled live chats. Also offers medical links and resources.
Dave's Psoriasis Info
Organized index of site ratings, treatment reviews, explanations, and references to background information.
MSN Groups: Psoriasis Support
Support group offering a message board, live chats, special events and conferences, resources and links, and general information.
Directory of psoriasis sufferers, and online contact information and messenger id's. Also offers instructions for using the various chat programs.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: Psoriasis
Concise fact sheet with glossary, causes, diagnosis, treatments, and current research.
UK Psoriasis Help
A discussion forum, mailing list, and general information covering causes and types, treatments, news, and tips for living with the condition.
American Academy of Dermatology
Provides information regarding myths, facts, and treatments for this disease. Also offers referrals for dermatologists.
Psoriasis Support and Self Help
Tools for searching newsgroups, reference sites, and online medical resources. Also offers general information related to treatments, and companies making fraudulent claims.
Handbook of Dermatology and Venereology
Detailing the modern Chinese approach to treating psoriasis. Includes clinical features, testing methods, and condition management.
Wichita Psoriasis Support Group
Local support highlighting meeting schedule, founders biography, and general psoriasis information. Also offers a chat room.
WebMD: Psoriasis
Expert information on psoriasis, its symptoms and treatments.
Political Action Committee for People with Psoriasis - ItchPac
A grassroots organization lobbying for rapid FDA approval of new psoriasis treatments. Includes group details and how to join.
Treatments for Psoriasis
General psoriasis information including types, causes, treatments, and resources. Also offers information on related skin disorders.
Psoriasis Guide
A summary of psoriasis basics, skin care, and treatments. Also offers a medical advisory.
Psoriasis Online Toolbox
Links and search forms for finding support, research, and regulatory information.
Psoriasis Youth Resources
Basic information specific for children, teens, parents, and caregivers. Offers age-appropriate educational material, message boards, and games.
International Federation of Psoriasis Assocations
The IFPA site provides association updates and news concerning worldwide psoriasis developments.
eMedicine - Psoriasis
Consumer health resource providing an overview of the condition including symptoms, potential triggers, and available treatments.
Biogen - Psoriasis Support
Features articles about new biological treatments and research, living with psoriasis, and a message board for members.
Dermatology Times - Psoriasis
Newsmagazine for dermatologists, with searchable online articles.
HealthTalk - Psoriasis
Audio webcast interviews on selected topics including treatment options, with written transcripts.
Psoriasis Treatment in Turkey
Offers psoriasis treatment in the Kangal Fish Spring. Claims that patients who bath in the spring are cured of psoriasis. Read about the spring, the cure method, and researchers.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Treatments
A chinese clinic documents their treatment of skin diseases.
Information provided by a doctor who advocates homeopathic treatment for psoriasis.
Yahoo! Groups: Psoriatic Arthritis
Online support group for sufferers of this disease. Also offers information and resources.
Psoriasis Connections
Sponsored by Amgen and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, this site hosts an organized index of information approved by an advisory council of qualified doctors. Also offered is a free subscription to a magazine of the same name.
Psoriasis Society of Canada
A Canadian charity that organizes annual fundraisers such as the National Psoriasis Walk. Members receieve a subscription to their newsletter along with notifications of local chapter events.
The Hidden Delight of Psoriasis
British Medical Journal article highlights several books and movies that refer to psoriasis, with details on authors including John Updike and Dennis Potter.
SkinCell - Psoriasis
Discussion groups and a real-time chat room dedicated to psoriasis and related skin conditions. Also features links to webcasts and educational multimedia.
Psoriasis Newsgroup FAQ
Collection of links and other resources including newsgroups, support sources, treatment data, related links, and internet searching advice.
Northwestern Psoriasis Treatment Center
Located in the Dermatology Clinic at the Feinberg School of Medicine, this center offers all standard therapy for psoriasis, including phototherapy, and participates in clinical research of new treatments.
Dr. Koop - Psoriasis
An archive of news and articles about psoriasis, sufferers of the condition, and upcoming treatments.
The Blue Lagoon
A natural geothermal spa in Iceland that provides a supervised bathing lagoon combined with UVA /UVB light therapy.
Psoriasis Food Remedies
Provides a list of safe and beneficial foods for psoriatics, including complete recipes and meal plans.