Klinefelter Syndrome
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Genetic_Disorders>Klinefelter Syndrome
Web Pages
Klinefelter Syndrome Support
Educational and support information about Klinefelter Syndrome/XXY and its variants.
XXY List
A private discussion list for which you must be an XXY to subscribe.
Klinefelter Syndrome
Overview and medical information.
Klinefelter's Syndrome gynecomastia
Male chest recontouring for large male breasts (gynecomastia) found in Klinefelter's Syndrome with surgical reduction by excision and liposuction. Before and after photographs, links, movies, and patient question and answer boards.
Klinefelter Syndrome?
A parent's point of view, with articles.
Genetic Org Home
Information about Klinefelter Syndrome, when it was first discovered, the common characteristics, and treatment.
American Association for Klinefelter Syndrome Information and Support (AAKSIS)
Email list, conference, membership, newsletter, regional groups and resource links.
Turner Center
Literature on XYY, Klinefelter, XXX, and Turner's Syndrome.
XXY Information (Klinefelter Syndrome)
Medical information, news, and links.
Yahoo!: XXYList
XXY is a genetic anomaly which occurs 1 in 500 in the general population today. Men with this condition usually have Klinefelters Syndrome. Offers joining instructions for this support group.
My Klinefelter's Syndrome Page
David Brager's story, with information about Klinefelter's.
drkoop.com: Klinefelter Syndrome
A chromosome abnormality that affects only men and causes hypogonadism.