Down Syndrome
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Web Pages
Growth Charts for Children with Down Syndrome
Charts included are for height, weight, and head circumferences. Printable.
Uno Mas Down Syndrome Online
Supportive online group of parents & friends of kids with Down Syndrome. Message Boards and Personal Stories. Hundreds of photos.
Down Syndrome
A listing of organizations worldwide, support groups, and toy catalogs for children of special needs.
DS Sites on the Internet
A large listing of sites on the internet dealing with Down Syndrome, compiled by Len Leshin, M.D.
Riverbend Down Syndrome Parent Support Group
Resources and abstracts for parents and professionals on communication, early intervention, therapies, medicine, literacy, medical issues, mathematics, vitamins and other supplements.
Down Syndrome: For New Parents
Dedicated to providing parents with information about Down syndrome.
Health Issues in Down Syndrome
A collection of medical essays and abstracts for parents.
Mosaic Down Syndrome
Stories, message boards, and a FAQ.
[] Down Syndrome Message Board
The archives of this board.
Down Syndrome Information Network
Includes a online library of books and articles.
Diagnosis Down Syndrome
Personal, loving stories from parents on adoption of a Down Syndrome baby. Also stories from those that found out during the pregnancy, and those that had a diagnosis after.
Translocation - Trisomy 21
Includes personal stories of Down syndrome, educational, health, and government links and a discussion board.
Jesus and Downs
Message board to connect Christian parents who have a loved one with Down Syndrome.
Mayo Clinic: Down's Syndrome
A description of the disease plus complications, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.
The PREP Program
A school and resource centre. Includes descriptions of what they do with toddlers, school-aged children, and teens. Also included are their fees.
Health Care for Adults With Down Syndrome
Recommendations on their specific health maintenance needs.
Down Syn On-Line Magazine
Focusing on first-person experiences, opinions, pictures, and questions from those who love someone with Down Syndrome.
Learn about Down Syndrome
What it is, symptoms, and statistics as to how often it occurs.
Yahoo! Groups : Christian-DS-Parents
Mailing list for parents of Down Syndrome children who are practicing Christians.
Epilepsy-Down Syndrome Foundation
Research into the dual diagnoses of Down syndrome and epilepsy. Emphasizes nutritional and non-medical interventions.
Families Dealing With Down Syndrome
A family oriented e-mail group that is geared towards the love, support and health of children with Down Syndrome.
Down's Syndrome Medical Interest Group (UK)
Information for healthcare professionals, including UK-specific growth charts, guidelines, and medical information library.
Articles on Communication
How parents can teach their children with Down Syndrome to talk and communicate effectively.
Einstein-Syndrome: Down Syndrome with a Positive Attitude
Help and hope on the development of a Down Syndrome child. Also education choices, the treatment of medical problems, and keeping good health. Stories from moms about their kids.
Trisomy 21 Online Community
For all those touched by people with all three forms of Trisomy 21. Community includes message forums, chat room, information for parents who have just found out their child has Trisomy 21, pictures and many other information pages and links.