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Web Pages
Melanoma Patients' Information Page
Information and support for patients and those who care for them. Medical library, abstract database, bulletin board and chat room.
FAQ about Melanoma
Links and information presented as an educational aid.
UCSF: Melanoma Center
Details the outreach of a patient educator and counselor at the University of California in San Francisco. Diagnosis of Melanoma
Scientific site which highlights the use of computers in medicine.
ABCDs of Melanoma Detection
Look for danger signs in pigmented skin lesions. Presented by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Diagnosis of Melanoma
Created as a tutorial for medical students.
University of Sydney: The Melanoma Foundation
Australian entity fosters prevention, research and treatment.
Northern California Melanoma Center
Overview of the subject and contact details. Located at the Saint Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco, California.
Mayo Clinic: Melanoma Study Group
An interdisciplinary group of clinicians and scientists aimed at finding more effective therapies.
Mole Melanoma Information
Photographs together with descriptive information demonstrating skin changes that are clues to more serious problems.
University of Pittsburgh: Melanoma
Addresses a number of topics related to the condition.
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center: Melanoma
A discussion of the topic from this Houston, Texas institution.
Malignant Melanoma
Links and articles on research and treatment.
Ocular Melanoma Hub
Links to clinical trials, research programs, abstract and full text articles.
Ocular Melanoma Metastatic to the Liver
Extensive information from an affected family member.
Genetic Change in Jewish Melanoma
Scientific paper describes the genetics of the inherited condition in Jews. Presented by a researcher from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Melanoma
Provides information and resources for patients and the general public. Melanoma
Resource aimed at patients from the U.S. National Cancer Institute.
Carcinoma Skin Cancer and Melanoma
Provides information about these conditions.
Interferon for Melanoma
Provides some general information highlighting the possible role of a drug agent by the pharmaceutical firm Schering-Plough.
SunBlitz: Melanoma
A survivor offers a guide to subjects including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care.
CancerNews: Watch Your Back
Overview of topics related to melanoma together with pictures.
Understanding Malignant Melanoma
Online booklet from the UK organization CancerBACUP addressing the causes and treatments for the condition.
Understanding Melanoma
General information about the condition including causes, diagnosis, treatment and support. From the Cancer Council of New South Wales, Australia.