Web Pages
American Acupuncture
Articles on the use of acupuncture. List of medical acupuncturists in the USA and Canada. Maintained by Dr. Carl J. Sarnacki, Livonia, Michigan.
HealthWorld Online Acupuncture
Information and resources.
International Health News
News about acupuncture and yoga. Published by Hans R. Larsen, Victoria, BC, Canada.
The Fine Points of Acupuncture article.
Medical Pain Education
Includes information about using acupuncture to treat pain. Maintained by Dr. Simon Strauss, Southport, Australia.
Links to acupuncture resources from Dr. Bower's Complementary and Alternative Medicine Home Page.
James Roy Holliday III
An online guide to acupressure.
MedWebPlus: Acupuncture
Categorized list of acupuncture-related links. Maintained by y-DNA, Inc.
History of Acupuncture in the West
Article by George T. Lewith excerpted from Acupuncture - Its Place in Western Medical Science.
AHealthyMe: Acupuncture
Answers to questions about acupuncture.
WholeHealthMD: Acupuncture
General information on acupuncture.
Acupuncture resource, reference, and research. Point locations, images, databases.
Acupuncture for Addiction Treatment
This page contains resources for auricular acupuncture's use in chemical dependency detox and relapse prevention.
AuKoShiMo Professional Training Program
CDs for NCCAOM, state acpuncture examination study. Koryo hand therapy, advanced auricular therapy CDs. Based in Kapolei, Hawaii.
News Briefs
An article on the use of acupuncture to treat drug addiction.
Children May Benefit from Acupuncture
Article from the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Describes a method of advanced homeostatic health and body energies fitting. A transcutaneous type of therapy considered a homeostatic upgrade of Chinese acupuncture.
Alternative Medicine Therapies: Acupuncture
Overview of acupuncture.
Information about Acupuncture
Dr. Anthony Campbell's articles about acupuncture.
Five Element Acupuncture
Spirit/emotional level style acupuncture described by Gye Bennetts.
5 Element Acupuncture
Information on the history and practice of 5 element acupuncture including the spiritual side. Maintained by Paul Adkins.