Web Pages
Ocular Nutrition Research
Summaries of the latest nutritional research on preventing and treating eye diseases. Fully categorized and documented.
The Eye Site
Resource for summaries of research on possible nutritional relationships to eye diseases.
National Eye Institute – Clinical Studies
Links people to clinical trials. Answers questions about the kinds of clinical trials, and why and how people might participate.
Experimental Eye Research
Research papers on all aspects of the of the eye.
Fundus Photograph Reading Center
Research protocols in diabetic retinopathy, AIDS, hypertension and age-related macular degeneration, with standard photographs and ophthalmology related links.
Amblyopia Treatment Study
A clinical trial funded by the National Eye Institute to determine the best treatment for moderate amblyopia (lazy eye) in children.
Eye Research Network
Eye disease and research information, maintained by research scientist Kenneth P. Mitton, PhD.
Foundation Fighting Blindness
Funds research at over 50 institutions in the US and the world in the area of degenerative retinal diseases.
Applied Vision Research Unit
Applied visual search, perceptual and cognitive evaluation of medical imaging, and transport psychology.
The human lens genetic disease database. Database of known genetic diseases in humans that affect the lens of the eye, generally causing inherited cataracts.
The Retinal Implant Project
Information and resources about the project.
Dates in Vision Science
Chronological history of vision research.
Processes in Animal Vision
A comprehensive theory and description of the visual process and the operation of the neurons of the neural system. Research discovered the Activa and Rhodonine.
Borish Center for Ophthalmic Research
Conduct cutting edge clinical and applied research. Adopt a multidisciplinary approach to the study of visual/ocular disorders and visual performance.
Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus Study
The CLEK Study's purpose is to prospectively characterize vision, corneal changes, and patient quality of life findings in keratoconus and to determine the progression of changes occurring with keratoconus over time.
The Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study
Offers general and patient information about the study and what it is trying to discover.
Computational Vision Research, University of Pennsylvania
Novel approaches to vision research including new collaborative research made possible through the availability of NEI-funded optical/electronic instrumentation, computing, molecular biology, and scientific illustration facilities.
RetNet - Retinal Information Network
Provides tables of genes causing inherited retinal diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration and Usher syndrome, and related information.
Lasers in Ophthalmology II
Abstracts from experiments with laser ophthalmology studies/surgeries.
Corneal Topography World Research Center
For ophthalmic or vision scientists who are curious about the shape of the cornea and its effect on visual performance by Michael K. Smolek.
Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy:
Information on how to screen, What they might find, and what should be done if it is found. Also a listing of all their research attempts and findings.
The Experimental Ophthalmology Unit
Research and teaching centre for the control and treatment of eye disorders and our interests include ARMD, corneal scarring, diabetes, ectodermal dysplasia, genetics, glaucoma, melanoma and PVR.
Yale Vision Research
Come visit our individual laboratories, meet our researchers and learn about the various opportunities we offer - from seminars, to research positions, to furthering your education.
A comprehensive, screen-reader accessible website, listing discussion groups for the deafblind, blind, and visually impaired community.
Berkowitz Lab
MRI of retinal oxygenation and angiogenesis in diabetic retinopathy, retinopathy of prematurity, and other retinopathies.
The Discovery Fund For Eye Research
Promotes eye research translating results into patient care. Research scientists specialize in areas of interest such as research for diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, ocular herpes and keratoconus.
Eye Research at Sankara Nethralaya
Ophthalmic Research and Education at Sankara Nethralaya, a public charitable ophthalmic institute. Located in Chennai, India.
The Vision Research Coordinating Center
The Vision Research Coordinating Center oversees a number of research efforts, including two large-scale multi-center clinical trials sponsored by the National Eye Institute. Located at Washington University in St Louis.
Transpupillary Thermotherapy (TTT) and Transscleral Thermotherapy (TSTT)
Research information on laser treatments for intra-ocular tumors, such as choroidal melanoma, retinoblastoma, and hemangioma.
Eye Radiation and Environmental Research Laboratory
The laboratory of Basil, Worgul, Ph.D., located at Columbia University, studies the effects of exogenous physical and chemical mutagens on the visual system.
Association of Vision Science Librarians - Eye Care Statistics
AVSL's Various Eye Care Statistics.
Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study
A multicenter randomized trial sponsored by The National Eye Institute and The National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health.
The Rickman Lab
Dennis W. Rickman, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor provides information on studying the use of stem cell therapies to treat various retinal degenerative diseases of the eye.