Birth Control
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Web Pages
Birth Control / Family Planning
The Health Connection, Calgary Regional Health Authority. Birth control information, condoms and diaphragms, I.U.D, tubal ligation, vasectomy.
The Global Reproductive Health Forum @ Harvard (GRHF). Harvard School of Public Health. Resource links to frequently asked questions, comprehensive contraception information including new methods, and research.
AnnRose's Ultimate Birth Control Links
Links to family planning choices including abstinence, condoms, diaphragm, hormonal implants, injections, IUD, tubal sterilization, the Pill, emergency contraception, vasectomy and how to choose.
Family Health International
FHI works to improve reproductive health around the world by increasing the number of safe, effective, acceptable and affordable contraceptive methods to ensure that women and men achieve their desired number and spacing of children.
Epigee Birth Control Guide
A comprehensive guide to birth control, responsible sex, and reproductive health. Discusses use, failure rates, and FAQs for all methods, and provides instructions for condom use and NFP charting. Reviews STD's and Safer Sex.
Calgary Birth Control Association
CBCA offers non-judgmental support and information to help you make confident, well-informed decisions. Pregnancy options - abortion, adoption, parenting, birth control, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), sexual orientation.
Allexperts Birth Control Questions and Answers
Sympathetic volunteers answer your detailed one-on-one questions about birth control for free. Answers confidential.
Preventing Pregnancy: Contraceptive Choices
Details about your birth control options from the pill, IUD, and diaphragm to permanent sterilization.
Family Planning
Comprehensive review of contraceptive methods available worldwide and choosing the right method for you.
Virtual Guide to Contraception
General information and fact sheets about the full range of family methods available in Ireland.
The Whole Truth About Contraception: A Guide to Safe and Effective Choices (1997)
Book-length report from National Academy Press.
Contraceptive Research and Development (CONRAD) Program
Objective is development of new or improved contraceptive methods that are safe, effective, acceptable, and suitable for use in the US and developing countries.
Birth Control Survey Results
Results of an international survey of preferred birth control methods conducted by Roper Starch Worldwide.
Birth Control Methods
Information to help decide which type of contraception is best for you and your partner. Includes descriptions of different methods and personal anecdotes. From King County, Washington, Health Department.
Contraceptive Choices Home Page
Comprehensive and readable information on birth control methods, by Dr. Robert Hatcher of Emory University.
Male Contraceptives
Information about experimental male contraceptives, particularly non-hormonal methods, and what you can do to encourage more research.
A comprehensive birth control information site.
Your Contraceptive Choices
Review of the effectiveness, advantages, disadvantages and costs of different birth control methods, including abstinence, pills, and condoms. (Planned Parenthood Federation of America)
Georgia Family Planning Program
Home page for the Georgia Family Planning Program, part of the Georgia Division of Public Health. This program provides services, support, and information relating to family planning.
Contraceptive Methods
Information on the currently available male and female contraceptive methods, including reference material and training tools, such as presentation graphics with trainer notes.
Contraception factsheet from BUPA
Concise factsheet explaining effective methods of contraception, from the UK health insurance firm. Covers pills, male and female condoms, injectables, implants, diaphragms and caps, IUDs and intrauterine systems, sterilization, natural methods, and emergency contraception.
Information on birth control and other methods of contraception.
Region VIII Family Planning Training
A resource intended for Title X and non-Title X family planning providers in PHS Region VIII. (Denver, CO)
SoYouWanna pick a method of birth control?
Review of primary methods of birth control.
Birth Control Methods
Introduction of birth control methods, efficacy of birth control methods with information of sexually transmitted diseases.
Feminist Women's Health Center
Complete descriptions of every method of birth control available in the USA, birth control comparison chart. How a woman's menstrual cycle works and when she is most likely to get pregnant.
Various Methods of Birth Control
A personally maintained site that explores virtually all methods of contraception and their pros and cons. Includes reports of personal experiences.
Birth Control at Suite101
Informative articles concerning the history, present, and future of birth control. Access to discussions and links to related sites available.
Discussed contraceptive choices, benefits and risks of birth control pill and possible connections between birth control and breast cancer.
Contraception Guide
Your A-to-Z guide to the most common forms of birth control and contraception.
Women's Health - Birth Control from
Annotated collection of link to sites about contraception in general and specific contraceptive methods. Contraception
Delving into the world of birth control. Offers a short discussion on the different methods with images.
Contraception Choices
From Family Planning Queensland. Discusses the different methods available in Australia.
Choosing a Birth Control Method
Interactive online questionnaire, supported by extensive information about contraceptive methods, guides women or men through the decision process. From Association of Reproductive Health Professionals.
Peer-reviewed journal publishing papers on contraceptive advances and research in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, endocrinology, biology, the medical sciences, and demography. Includes a sample issue.
Guide to Contraception:
Experts answer questions about general birth control, the pill, and related side effects
Ortho Women's Health
Pharmaceutical manufacturer provides information for women on birth control and the different contraceptive methods that are available.
Methods of Birth Control
Up-to-date and accurate source of information about current birth control methods and options. Questions to ask when deciding which form of contraception to use.
Healthlink - Update on Contraception: Traditional, Barrier and Surgical Methods
Overview of several methods of birth control, including abstinence, withdrawal, fertility awareness, male and female condoms, sponge, cervical cap, diaphragm, and sterilization.
Quinacrine Sterilization - Non-Surgical Birth Control for Women
Quinacrine Sterilization is a non-surgical birth control for women. QS is a new outpatient procedure for female sterilization and birth control.
Essure: Permanent Birth Control by Conceptus
Information about permanent birth control accomplished with micro-inserts placed in the fallopian tubes, offered as an alternative to tubal ligation. Advantages, disadvantages, effectiveness, and other information for doctors and patients.
Male Contraception Using Testicular Heating
Results from the literature and from self-experimentation on the use of testicular heating as a birth control method.
Birth Control Board at iVillage
Online discussions of birth control for women. Guide to Contraception Options
Internet links to sites on safe sex, condoms, birth control pills, and other contraceptives. Also links on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their prevention.
Contraceptive Guide
By Mary Jane Bovo, MD. Overview of methods of birth control currently available, with cost, failure rate, correct usage, advantages and disadvantages of each.
Evriwoman - Guide to Contraception and Safe Sex
Information about contraception options to prevent unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Includes results of surveys and interviews about the views and experiences of UK university students and other women.
Sexuality and Contraception When Approaching Menopause
Advice for women in pre-menopause about the continuing need for contraception and special concerns they may have in selecting a method to use, from Women's Health Queensland Wide.