Birth Defect Prevention
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Web Pages
How Folate Can Help Prevent Birth Defects
Information from the FDA on the importance of folic acid supplementation before pregnancy.
Newborn Screening.Com
Regularly updated information and news pertaining to testing and screening. Explanation as to what it is, condition profiles, lab profiles and a discussion forum.
Tyler For Life Foundation, Inc.
Organization providing information on newborn screening and related disorders.
National Birth Defects Prevention Network
Information about the organization, news, publications and upcoming meetings. Links to state monitoring programs, national as well as international. Instructions for joining the email list.
The New Jersey Fetal Abnormalities Registry
Information about the NJFAR, FAQs asked by participants, newsletter, links and contact details.
Birth Defects and Adverse Birth Outcomes
Information about the risks of using alcohol, tobacco, and drugs during pregnancy.
California Teratogen Information Service
CTIS provides free, nonjudgemental information on the effects of drugs, medications, and other exposures on the unborn child.
Arkansas Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention
This organization works to reduce the prevalence of birth defects and their economic, social, and psychological impact in Arkansas and the United States.
Kiss It Make It Better: Vitamin A and Birth Defects
Includes information on possible risks pre-formed vitamin A for a pregnant woman.
Effects of Tobacco Use On the Unborn Baby
Summary of a study performed by the Indiana State Department of Health.
March of Dimes
Resources for reducing infant morality and birth defects. Offers a health library, research, programs and a donation form.
Anencephaly Awareness
Possible causes and information for future prevention of this disorder.
California Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Organization,
Working together to eliminate the disability FASD, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder by offering information, support and advocates. FASD includes FAS, ARND, ARBD and Static Encephalopathy caused by prenatal alcohol exposure.
The Pregnancy Risk Network
Offers free telephone information about possible effects that medications, alchohol, illness, on children.
ObGynWorld: What Route for Delivery?
Article reviews research findings on whether vaginal delivery or C-section is better in the case of various congenital anomalies. [Requires free registration.]