Secondhand Smoke
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Web Pages
Just Eliminate Lies
Ad campaign developed by Iowa teens on secondhand smoke .
Secondhand smoke myths
Myth: Outdoor air pollution is more harmful than indoor. Truth: Your risk of developing cancer from secondhand smoke is about 100 times greater than from outdoor cancer-causing pollutants. Myths of secondhand smoke explored.
Secondhand Smoke - What You Can Do
EPA Pamphlet.
Protecting Nonsmokers From Secondhand Smoke
A fact sheet about protecting nonsmokers from secondhand smoke, produced by Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights. All facts presented with citations to research literature.
Medical Online
Information resource on health and fitness issues; brief discussion of secondhand smoke.
Test your Secondhand Smoke IQ
Think you know about secondhand smoke? A fun quiz.
Passive Smoking: Summary of New Findings
Compilation by ASH-UK includes latest research.
Second-hand Smoke -
Links and resources on the effects of secondhand smoke or passive smoking.
Breathe Free" African Americans and Secondhand Smoke
Booklet created by the Onyx Group for the National Association of African Americans for Positive Imagery; facts about secondhand smoke, community response.
The Truth About Secondhand Smoke
Excerpted from Consumer Reports, January 1995. What the science says about the effects of secondhand smoke; how the tobacco industry campaigned to get the public to believe otherwise.
The Truth About Secondhand Smoke
Report on the science, the industry's attack on the science, and the practical significance of secondhand smoke, from GASP of Colorado.
Passive Smoke
National Jewish Medical and Research Center provides facts about passive smoke.
Texas Cooperative HealthHints - Secondhand Smoke
Definition, health effects, costs, and how to reduce secondhand smoke at home and in the workplace.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Chapter in Environmental Toxicants, 2nd ed, 1999. Characteristics and concentration of secondhand smoke; measurement and assessment of exposure; health effects on infants, the unborn, children, and adults; SIDS; physiological effects; epidemiological studies.
I Mind Very Much If You Smoke
Steps people can take to reduce their exposure to secondhand smoke.
Passive Smoking
Cancer Council of South Australia factsheet on secondhand smoke covers health effects, biomarkers and measureming exposure, tobacco industry activities, ventilation, legal actions by individuals, and economic effects of smokefree workplaces.
OMA Position Paper on Second Hand Smoke
Ontario Medical Association outlines the medical facts and their policy position based on those facts.
Make Public Places Smokefree
UK opinion piece. "One thing that really gets up my nose is inhaling other peoples' stale cigarette smoke against my will."
Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
From the National Cancer Institute. Exposure measurement and prevalence, developmental toxicity (prenatal and postnatal), reproductive effects, respiratory health effects, carcinogenic effects, cardiovascular effects.
Passive Smoking
Report on the research; links to published studies.
Smoke Free Housing
Listings of smokefree housing.
How Dangerous is Second-Hand Smoke?
The immediate and long-term health effects of exposure to second-hand smoke; links to other sites for information on passive smoking, indoor air quality, and related health problems.
AARC: Secondhand Smoke
Facts that the American Association for Respiratory Care has learned in its search for information about secondhand smoke.
Passive Smoking, Ash-uk factsheet #8
Concise summary of the effects of secondhand smoke.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Poster Session
Health conference presents short summaries of recent research and experience in secondhand smoke policy and programs.
The Shameful History of Secondhand Smoke in Oklahoma
The American Lung Association provides the history leading up to the fact that Oklahoma law prohibits smokefree public places.
Ask NOAH About: Environmental Health; Secondhand Smoke
Full-text consumer health information on environmental health. Information on secondhand smoke.
Secondhand Smoke Costs
Secondhand smoke costs you $70 per year, according to an economic analysis by a Indiana University professor.
Widower Awarded Compensation in First Secondhand Smoke Fatality Case
On December 8, 1995, the U.S. Department of Labor ruled that a hospital nurse's cancer death was due to her on-the-job exposure to secondhand smoke.
Tobacco Industry Suit Against EPA dismissed
Recent court ruling vacates Judge Osteen's 1993 decision, clearing the way for EPA's finding that secondhand smoke is a known human carcinogen.
Asthma and Secondhand Smoke
Links and resources from the
Guides on Environmental Tobacco Smoke
NCTH publications on secondhand smoke; ETS in the workplace; advocacy tools for protecting yourself and others from secondhand smoke; science and health effects; case studies and new developments; best practices and lessons learned. resources for further research.
How Dangerous is Passive Smoking?
British health group concludes that the weight of the evidence is that secondhand smoke kills.
Secondhand Smoke Study
A study funded by the tobacco industry concludes that secondhand smoke is harmless, but scientists and health experts disagree.
Environmental TobaccoSmoke and Related Issues
Collection of documents from Australia and elsewhere covers health effects of secondhand smoke, indoor air quality, tobacco related exposures for carcinogens.