Spit Tobacco
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Web Pages
Tobacco Intervention Network
Over 9,000 dentists, hygienists, cessation counselors, physicians, psychologists and other health professionals who want to help their patients quit the use of spit tobacco. How to quit spit tobacco, how health professionals can help their patients quit, news, and posters and videos on the subject.
AAP - Things You Should Know About Smokeless Tobacco
Factsheet from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Spit Tobacco
Factsheet from the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery: what is spit tobacco, what's in it, physical and mental effects, early warning signs of oral cancer, quitting tips, and at the bottom of the page, a highly graphic graphic.
FTC: 1997 Smokeless Tobacco Report
Numbers on how much the industry makes on the product, how much it spends promoting the product.
AAP: Smokeless Tobacco
Some of the ingredients of spit tobacco may surprise you.
National Cancer Institute: Smokeless Tobacco
Pamphlet provides facts about spit tobacco, including its health effects.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of moist snuff in humans
Article in scientific journal. Tested several brands of snuff. Measured results in human volunteers. "Large amounts of nicotine were delivered rapidly to the bloodstream".
A girl and her chew: one woman's story of spit tobacco use
"I had my first chew just before my 17th birthday...I had been a smoker for over three years at that point...I did quit smoking eventually. Chew proved much harder for me to stop."
Obituary: anti-spit tobacco crusader Bill Tuttle
Former major-league baseball player Bill Tuttle died in 1998 after a long battle with oral cancer. His life and death show what spit tobacco does to its customers, and how it's promoted by its manufacturers.
Quit Smokeless Organization
When you're ready to quit, find the resources here that you need to kick the can. Info and support from people who've been there.
National Spit Tobacco Education Program (NSTEP)
Educational program designed to reduce use of spit tobacco, especially among children. Gassroots efforts to build a nation-wide network of spit tobacco education and cessation resources.
Native women's use of smokeless tobacco may increase risk of breast cancer
Recent research shows spit tobacco products increases the risk of breast cancer by nearly eight times.
Skoal and Urban Cowboy
A 1980 marketing report for Skoal provides an inside look at promotion of spit tobacco; in this report, U.S. Tobacco plans to link its brand to the popular 1980 movie "Urban Cowboy".
Spit Tobacco, Dental Health, and Cancer
Information from the Academy of General Dentistry on effects of spit tobacco; mouth sores; double dippers; addiction; and kicking the habit.
Smokeless/Spit Tobacco Educational Lectures.
Rick Bender, "the man without a face," travels to schools throughout America sharing the story of his devastating battle with cancer caused by spit tobacco.
What the Tobacco Industry Won't Show You
Health poster takes a close look at a fatal mouth cancer caused by spit tobacco.
Spit Tobacco: Oral Cancer by the Can
Spit Tobacco is as dangerous as smoking - from the About.com Guide
Go Ask Alice!: Chewing tobacco risks
Overview of plug, leaf, and snuff, and their effects.
Smokeless Tobacco Facts
From the University of Minnesota Division of Periodontology. Short factsheet covers types of product; prevalence of use; industry advertising and promotion; effects of use; addiction.
CJR - Darts and Laurels, Jan/Feb 95
The Columbia Journalism Review is the premier publication on the web about journalism, for journalists; this column summarizes and criticizes several recent news stories on tobacco.
Baseball Players Who Use Spit Tobacco No Better Than Players Who Don't Chew
Major league baseball players who use spit tobacco don't hit, pitch, or field better than players who don't use it, according to recent research.
ScienceDaily Magazine -- Use Of Smokeless Tobacco May Lead To Breast Cancer, Wake Forest Team Reports
Preliminary results suggest that using smokeless tobacco may dramatically increase the risk of breast cancer, Wake Forest University School of Medicine researchers reported.
Chewing Tobacco Hampers Ability to Perform Complex Tasks
The nicotine in spit tobacco reduces an individual's ability to perform complex tasks that require hand and body movements to adjust to new visual feedback, according to new research.
Smokeless Tobacco Advertising and Promotional Expenditures and Revenues Up, According to FTC Report to Congress
An all-time high of $170 million was spent advertising and promoting spit tobacco in 1999; FTC report breaks it down.
Spit Tobacco: A Guide for Quitting
Put together by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Dental Research, covers health effects of spit tobacco, addiction, myths and truths, quitting, extra help, and resources.
Cancer Control: Smokeless Tobacco
Factsheet from the National Cancer Institute covers: seeing past spit tobacco advertising and promotion; myths and truths about spit tobacco; spit tobacco and sports
Spit Tobacco Prevention Network
Texas coalition working to eliminate spit tobacco use in the state.
Oral Health America: Smokeless Not A Safe Alternative
The tacts on spit tobacco, in response to an attempt by U.S. Tobacco to promote its tobacco product as a safe alternative to cigarettes.
Baseball Star Bagwell Snuffs Out Spitting Tobacco
Jeff Bagwell stops using spit tobacco after pre-cancerous lesions started appearing inside his cheek; story explains.
Carcinogens in 5 leading brands of snuff
Scientific paper measures levels of carcinogenic N-nitrosamines in 5 leading U.S. brands of moist snuff.
Expert Commentary: Dangers Of Chewing Tobacco
"Don't be fooled by the label 'smokeless'...the industry would love to have you believe that chewing tobacco and snuff are a safe alternative to cigarettes. In fact, what the medical professionals call 'spit tobacco' is just as addictive -- and just as likely to cause cancer and heart disease -- as cigarettes." The facts.
Comments to FTC on Smokeless Tobacco
Collection of letters and documents submitted to the Federal Trade Commission regarding spit tobacco; covers policy questions, labelling, harm reduction, addiction, ingredients, and effects.
Facts You Should Know About Smokeless (Spit) Tobacco
Factsheet from Saskatchewan Health. Ingredients, effects, disease, addictive product, quit tips, prevention.
'Man without a face' to talk on results of chewing tobacco
"As a 12-year-old Little Leaguer, Rick Bender tried his first plug of chewing tobacco, emulating his major-league heroes. At age 26, he was diagnosed with oral cancer. He underwent four surgeries over the next two years and lost one-third of his tongue, half of his jaw and partial use of his right arm. Since then, Bender has dedicated his life to educating people about the dangers of spit tobacco."
NIDCR Publications on Spit Tobacco
Posters, brochures, and pamphlets on the effects of the product, what it does to young athletes, a guide for quitting, and a graphic look at what the spit tobacco industry won't tell you.
Spittin' Image
Column on spit tobacco in sports.
Smokeless Tobacco Fact Sheet
Kinds of spit tobacco, promotion of spit tobacco, addiction and other effects of the product.
In The Know Zone - Spit Tobacco
Types of spit tobacco, risks, promotion tricks.
Baseball's Bad Habit
Magazine article on spit tobacco, its use in baseball, and how it's promoted.
ADA, Coalition Ask FTC to Prohibit Smokeless Tobacco Health Claims
The ADA joined 40 national health and other organizations in urging the Federal Trade Commission to reject a spit tobacco industry request to claim its product is safer.
Spit Tobacco: Oral Cancer by the Can
Short article outlines the medical facts: half of all oral cancer patients are alive 5 years after diagnosis.
Study Exposes Dangers of Snuff For Smokers to Quit
As tobacco companies promote smokeless tobacco as a safer alternative to cigarettes, many smokers who take up snuff in an effort to quit instead end up using both products, warns a researcher. Furthermore, nonsmokers who use snuff are more likely than those who don't to eventually begin smoking.
Kids and Chew
Transcript of TV show on kids and spit tobacco in Nebraska explores why teens have been convinced that chew is a safe alternative to cigarettes.
Spit Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Increasing
2003 FTC report finds that the spit tobacco industry has spent more promoting its product every year since 1987.
Spit Tobacco: Does Smokeless Mean Harmless
Mayo Clinic article explains why spit tobacco, also known as chew, snuff, or dip, causes addiction, disease, and death just like cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Smokeless Tobacco or Health
Monograph from the National Cancer Institite. Epidemiology, clinical and pathological effets, carcinogenesis, nitocine effects and addiction, prevention, cessation, policy, and recommendations. All downloadable PDF files.
Spit Tobacco: Know the Score
Fact sheet from the National Oral Information Clearninghouse (NOHIC). In .pdf format.
Health-Center: Chewing Tobacco
How cigarettes and spit tobacco are similar and different.
Snuff and Loose-leaf have Big Nicotine Doses
Tobacco companies keep secret the nicotine levels in their spit tobacco, but independent measurement finds high levels of nicotine and free-base nicotine.