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Web Pages
Quit Now - The National Tobacco Campaign
Australian National Tobacco Campaign offers a one-stop-shop with all the information you need on the campaign and how to get information on quitting.
Helps smokers kick their nicotine addiction, providing tools, information, and support for people quitting smoking, including message boards, chat rooms, interactive questionnaires, and personalized quitting suggestions.
For smokers who are sick of smoking, a chance to get it off your chest and chat to other smokers; not for non-smokers who want to moan or preach. Forums, polls, and shared experiences.
Bud Ellis's Home Page
A web page in the memory of Bud Ellis who died August 23, 1998. Bud speaks simply and plainly about his life, as he was nearing its end. Also good resources on quitting.
Alt.Support.Stop-Smoking Usenet Newsgroup Web Site & Archive
Features a FAQ, quitting tips, an archive of past newsgroup articles with information to help break the habit of smoking. Includes links to other sites.
Dr. Bob's Quit Smoking Page
Helpful facts and tips on how and why to quit smoking prepared by Dr. Bob, a physician. Well organized site with information on why you smoke, different methods of quitting, and statistics on the costs of smoking.
Stop Smoking Clinic: Reinforcement letters
Over 100 reinforcement letters on quitting, including medical, psychological, social, and economic implications of smoking. Particularly strong on relapse prevention. Sponsorted by Rush North Shore Medical Center's Good Health Program.
A community for ex-smokers around the world, and a valuable resource for people wishing to become one. Includes a discussion room and links.
California program encourages smokers to quit by having real people share their stories about how tobacco use has hurt them and their loved ones.
Dedicated to helping people break the smoking habit. There is a chat site, bulletin board, as well as links to resources for help in breaking the habit. Fill out the form to find out how much nicotine you are getting in a day.
The Foundation for Innovations in Nicotine Dependence (FIND). A resource to physicians, smokers, and anyone interested in current smoking cessation methods and medications.
American Lung Association: Tobacco Control
Features information about smoking, Freedom From Smoking program, and tips for quitting the habit.
NASA - Smoking Cessation
NASA's occupational health program pulls together a lot of resources on quitting.
Quit4 Life
Interactive web presentation explores how different people quit. In English and French languages.
Cigarette Smoking
Information and resources to help quit smoking cigarettes.
Smoking Cessation by About.com
Find help you need to kick the habit and stay smoke-free. Fight your nicotine addiction, and keep your hands busy after quitting.
Control Your Weight As You Quit Smoking
Information and resources on controlling weight gain while you quit smoking.
Smoking Cessation
Resource center for aspiring quitters. Offers facts about nicotine addiction, profiles of medications that can reduce the urge to smoke, and a free newsletter.
Arizona Tobacco Education and Prevention Program
Information on statewide projects, youth tobacco use, links to cessation and prevention resources.
Physician supervised interactive smoking cessation programs, smoking news and information. "We are dedicated to help you quit smoking forever."
Committed Quitters
Designed to work along with your patch or gum to help you quit smoking for good. Sponsored by the patch/gum manufacturer.
The California Smokers' Helpline
A telephone program designed to help people kick the habit. Free of charge.
TalkingStick.net documents one woman's profound experience quitting smoking.
What Happens When You Stop Smoking
ASH-UK factsheet gives concise summary of what to expect.
Smoking cessation - What works?
UK health site has evidence of effective interventions collated in a guide.
Tales From the Quit
A collection of essays, stories, rambles, and rants written during the author's first year of freedom from smoking. Offers quit tips, insight, humor, and hope.
The Tobacco BBS
Includes mighty resources for smokers looking to quit.
Rush North Shore Medical Center's Stop Smoking Clinic
Lots of self-help material for smoking cessation and reinforcement materials for ex-smokers on relapse prevention. Check under link of Reinforcement Materials. Site and material developed by Joel Spitzer.
Arizona Smokers' Helpline
Offers research-based toll-free telephone outreach and support service to Arizona residents who are trying to quit tobacco and remain tobacco-free. Includes information on the effects of using tobacco and online email help from a certified counselor.
Excellent quitting smoking resources to help you to quit smoking.
Interactive Life Zone
Tips for quitting smoking. Information on the effects of smoking.
Quit Smoking Network
Interactive smoking cessation program that can be tailored to your specific needs. Peer support, ask an expert, chat, forum. Developed by Oregon Research Institute, funded by a grant from the National Cancer Institute. You are asked to provide information about yourself, which also helps to tailor the program.
Smoking: A Quitter's Tale
The power of suggestion, plus $39 and a little willpower, help our intrepid reporter kick the habit.
QuitSmokingSupport.com Bulletin Board
Active and supportive quitting smoking bulletin board.
Ex-Smokers are Awesome
Motivational site by an ex-smoker gives ex-smokers reasons to avoid "just one drag".
Smoke-Free Zone
Environmental and health reasons to quit smoking, especially for college students, provided by a concerned professor.
Collection of links from 4Anything.com.
A Guide to Smoking Cessation
Gor people wanting to quit smoking, for physicians and students who want to help their patients or just want to gain more knowledge.
Smoke-Free Virginia
Guide to smoking cessation resources in Virginia, quit plan tips and links to related sites to help you stop smoking or using tobacco and gain freedom from nicotine addiction.
QuitBuddies -- Your AS3 Pals!
An album of faces to go with some of the names you know from the AS3 newsgroup, as well as a few quitting-related tips and links, and a lot of silliness and diversion.
Smoking Cessation, Quality of Life, and Older Persons
Information on and access to materials concerning smoking cessation, the effects of smoking cessation on the health of older persons, and the value of healthy lifestyles for older persons.
Tobacco Cessation Guidelines
Materials for consumers and clinicians from the Surgeon General including a 5-day plan to get ready, tips for the first week, five common myths about quitting; most materials provided in English and Spanish.
Information on smoking, its effects, addiction, how to quit, quitting, how family and friends can help, avoiding relapse.
QuitSmokingSupport Discussion Group
Supportive bulletin board to help you to quit smoking.
My Fight for My Life
A personal, health related reason to quitting smoking. Philosophy based on the Serenity Prayer.
Employers' Smoking Cessation Guide: Practical Approaches to a Costly Workplace Problem
Addresses why smoking cessation should be dealt with in the workplace, outlines a success story, provides a guide to estimate costs of smoking at your workplace, and presents ideas and resources for a myriad of workplace-based smoking cessation programs.
Oregon Tobacco Quit Line
A free telephone service available to all Oregon residents who want to stop using tobacco.
Smokenders Australia website
Instructional and group program; claims 92% success rate, but doesn't mention how or when that number was arrived at. The usual testimonials.
Quitting information and resources, education on tobacco, memorials, and news.
Dr. Jeff's Quit Commit Program
Aims to help people of all ages to quit smoking cigarettes or stop using other forms of tobacco. Tools, resources, information, links and support for people to kick the habit.
Interesting wrinkle: provides a web-based email address yourname@i-quit-smoking.com in connection with their quitsmoking.com bulletin board. Don't look here for critical evaluation of the products they sell. But reasonable free section of advice and support.
Quit Smoking Links
Resources to help you succeed.
Quit Smoking from HeliosHealth.com
A complete guide to Smoking Cessation from HeliosHealth.com with clinically reviewed information, animations, news and discussion. Topics include, quitting, recovery, and weight gain. Interesting quiz on "why do you smoke".
Nicotine Addiction
Treatment and prevention information for healthcare professionals and the public.
American Cancer Society: Quitting Tips
Information on how to stop smoking or quit using smokeless tobacco, options for help, and tips for after quitting.
Teen Smoking Cessation Program
The Teen Health Center at Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati offers the city's first smoking cessation program specifically for teens.
Help for Tobacco Addiction
Effects, quitting information, QandA, secondhand smoke. "If Tobacco does not kill you it makes your life a living hell."
Greetsomeone.com - The Great American Smokeout Cards
Send great american smokeout virtual cards. What they'll do with your email address, they don't say. No privacy policy is posted at the site.
Do You Smoke? Do You Want to Quit?
Improving your chances for success, winning tips from successful quitters, information on multiple quit attempts, pregnancy and smoking, and smokers facing surgery.
The Sober Alcoholic's Stop Smoking Support Page
Lots of information on the subject, extensively footnoted. "Most alcoholics or drug addicts have several addictions, and smoking is the most common other addiction by far. Many alcoholics in recovery do not realize that their cigarette smoking is probably an even greater threat to their health and survival than their drinking was. Did you know that more alcoholics die of diseases related to smoking than of diseases related to drinking?"
Joe Chemo: A Camel Who Wishes He'd Never Smoked
Test your tobacco IQ, get a Smoke-o-Scope, tips on quitting and contact details.
Scientific information, peer support; covers quitting obstacles, social situations, urges, weight control, withdrawal, special section for women and girls, getting support, finding help, and factsheets.
Thinking about Stopping
Mayo Clinic article outlines criteria for nicotine dependence.
WebMD - Smoking Cessation: No Butts About It!
8 week stop-smoking program with online discussion from participants.
Canadian Cancer Society: For Smokers Who Don't Want to Quit
What's not here: advice on how to quit; lectures about how to quit; ways to cut back. What is here: how to deal with people who nag you to quit; understanding personal reasons for smoking; some facts about quitting.
No Nic: NTU Helpline
Helpline counselors provide individual support by: 1) Answering questions regarding tobacco use. 2) Developing with you, your own personal plan to quit tobacco use. 3) Providing you with tips on how to help your family or friends quit tobacco use.
Smoking - Why Is It So Hard to Quit?
Science article from American Council on Science and Health offers overview and a little advice.
Quit Smokeless Organization
When you're ready to quit, find the resources here that you need to kick the can. Information and support from people who've been there.
Aviation Medicine: Smoking Cessation/Tobacco
Summary of effects of tobacco, with emphasis on physiologic effects related to flying; quitting info, which emphasis on smoking cessation for pilots.
Getting Quit
"It is indeed the hardest thing many people (including myself) have done...however it can be done" Why quit; why it's so hard; besides the addiction to nicotine, what keeps me smoking? methods of quitting; products; what if I relapse; secondhand smoke.
Smoker's Hall of Shame
Support, information, and links to help smokers quit. Lots of animations.
Vibrant UK community where people can get support, up-to-date advice and even have a bit of a laugh. Includes games zone, discussion groups, personal ads, and chat.
Free Web-based Smoking Cessation Study
A web-based intervention and clinical trial to help people quit smoking, developed by researchers at the University of California.
Diary of a Non-Smoker
One person's quitting diary, now in progress.
Tobacco Kills
A woman tells her own story: smoking caused her throat cancer and she is now a laryngectomee.
Smoking Cessation Consumer Tools Kit
Although primarily aimed at helping doctors educate patients, mcuh of the material is helpful to anyone who wants to quit smoking.
Information from Quit Victoria: deciding to quit; getting ready to quit; staying a non-smoker; coping with setbacks; helping others quit.
National Jewish Medical and Research Center
Offers a free pamphlet on quitting smoking.
Freedom From Tobacco Network
Information about quitting and quitting aids written by people who have successfully quit using tobacco products.
Smoking Cessation Research Program
If you are a smoker in the greater-Boston area, who is interested in quitting, visit our site and learn more about free smoking cessation treatment studies.
Smoking Cessation Programs in Rhode Island
Listing of over a dozen smoking cessation programs in Rhode Island using a variety of proven methods to help people of all ages quit smoking.
Smoking and Hypertension: Lifeclinic.com
Learn how to stop smoking and reduce your hypertension. Quitting strategies and how to quit smoking for good.
Soyouwanna Quit Smoking?
Reviews zyban; nicotine patches, gums, and inhalers; tapering off; "cold turkey"; acupuncture; lasers; hypnosis. Concludes with advice on how to prepare yourself emotionally for quitting.
Hospital Ipoh Quit Clinic
Free quit-smoking education and counselling.
Stopping Smoking: ASH's 15 Tips
From ASH-UK. Support and encouragement, especially for smokers in the UK who'd like to quit.
Smoking: Don't give up giving up
Official site produced by the NHS Health Education Authority. Useful advice on how to give up and you can ask for regular supportive e-mails.
Can You Quit Smoking?
Personal tale on quitting.
Smoking Cessation Resources in New York City
Compilation of agencies, organizations, phone numbers, where to call, who to call, where to go, when groups meet.
Be a Quitter...Just This Once!
Oklahoma City VA Medical Center presentation on readiness to quit smoking. Veterans and otheres can learn the best way to become a quitter of tobacco use.
Smoke-Free Families: Know a Pregnant Smoker?
Benefits of quitting for you and your baby, resources that will help you quit smoking and stay quit, and how to contact Smoke-Free Families.
Smoking Cessation
On-line support network at medbroadcast.com. Also articles and tools include detailed plans for quitting, myths around quitting, the withdrawal experience, and medications.
PhlexTeck's Quit Smoking Support and Information
Personal website; information and support for people who want to stop smoking.
WellnessWeb Smoker's Clinic
Information on cigarettes and other tobacco products, for smokers, those thinking of quitting, or ex-smokers.
Circle of Friends
Organization helping people break their addiction to tobacco. Statistics, tips for quitting, and a bulletin board for sharing stories.
You Break the Chain
The companion website of the "You Break the Chain" pro-quitting public service announcement by the Boston University School of Public Health and Little Movies, Inc.
WebMD Smoking Cessation Center
Advice, articles, and information on successful quit smoking techniques.
Tobacco-Free Ways: Pima County's Tobacco Education and Prevention Program
Oregon based group offers quit tips, programs, discounts, and advice.
Quit Smoking - QuitWA
Quit WA provides assistance and advice on quitting smoking by highlighting reasons to quit, how to quit, staying a non-smoker and other smoking-related information.