Premenstrual Syndrome
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Web Pages
A Cure for 90% of PMS Suffers
New clinical research relieves 90% of PMS sufferers. Cattle are given estrogens to fatten them up and retain water; could the same thing be happening to American Women?
Is it PMS or Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder?
Description that outlines diagnostic criteria used for premenstrual syndrome (a gynecologic diagnosis) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (a psychiatric diagnosis).
Go Ask Alice!
PMS questions and answers.
Understand your cramps and hot flashes, investigate hormone therapies and join chat rooms to talk about your monthly pain.
His and Hers PMS Calendar
This easy to use tool will help you to communicate comfortably about PMS.
BUPA Health Factsheet
Describes causes, symptoms, complications and treatment options.
Feelgood Counseling: PMS Support
Online and email counseling, support groups, natural remedies, online resources and recommended reading on Pre-menstrual Syndrome.
Natural Woman Institute
Dedicated to natural hormonal and nutritional therapy for women of all ages.
Information, signs, symptoms and causes of PMS.
Dealing with Your PMS
Physical and emotional aspects of Premenstrual Syndrome how to identify and deal with them. By Carol Watkins, M.D.
Premenstrual Syndrome Forum
Join a supportive forum where women share symptoms, experiences, treatments, and living with PMS.
A lengthy article on what premenstrual syndrome is, with a look at the symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and the doctors top ten tips for management.
An article about premenstrual dysphoric disorder with explanation as to what it is, how it compares to PMS, diagnosing, treatment and some tips on management.
InteliHealth - Premenstrual Syndrome
What PMS is, its symptoms, what your doctor looks for, diagnosis, expected duration, prevention, treatment, when to call a professional, prognosis, and additional resources.
Premenstrual Syndrome
An illustrated e-book of answers to FAQs on women's health, including PMS and premenstrual mastalgia for patients, nurses, medical students, and junior doctors.
Premenstrual Syndrome and Neurofeedback
Information, articles, and case histories on the use of neurofeedback to treat premenstrual syndrome.
Antidote for Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )
Elizabeth Smith, MD reviews the most recent research on the cause of Premenstrual Syndrome, and John Lee, MD's success in treating PMS.
Taking Control of Your Symptoms
Women's Health Interactive: PMS consists of various physical and/or emotional symptoms that occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation.
Facts For Health: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
A comprehensive resource to help identify, understand and treat PMDD. A CME course is also available.
PMS & PMDD Information
Exposes the causes and correct treatments for these disorders. Find support and learn about a safe non-drug treatment more effective than SSRI drug treatment.
Help And Advice On Premenstrual Syndrome
Describes alternative treatments for premenstrual syndrome and information on medical research on PMS and PMDD.
Understanding PMS
A comprehensive site for women with PMS based on four years of research. Includes the on-line PMS Diagnostic Test, questionnaires, resources, and information on receiving the monthly publication, Transition.
Treatment Approaches To Premenstrual Syndrome
Comprehensive article on Positive Health describing PMS symptoms and treatments.
What Causes Premenstrual Syndrome?
Information on hormones and neurotransmitters and their possible roles in premenstrual syndrome.
PMS and PMDD Message Board
Forum for sharing experiences and advice. Includes FAQ and true recovery stories.
Taking Back the Month
Dr. Diana Taylor provides facts, resourceful websites, and additional content based on research for her book, Taking Back the Month: a personalized solution for managing PMS and enhancing your health.