Therapies and Treatments
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Web Pages
CILD (Italian Centre Dynamic Language Therapy)
Stuttering therapy for children and adults.
McGuire Programme
Intensive stuttering therapy program and follow-up support, in Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, and the United States.
Yoga 4 Stuttering
A yoga-based relaxation therapy to help stutterers.
Provides information about stuttering and therapies.
The How To Stop Stammering Centre
UK-based centre, offering a five-day speech course and online notes to improve fluency.
Natural Speech Institute
Founded in 2000 to bring the "Natural Speech Program for People Who Stutter" to North America. Locations in Calgary and Toronto, Canada.
McGuire Programme (Australia)
We provide courses and ongoing support for people who stutter throughout Australia. Our holistic approach addresses the physical, psychological and emotional aspects of stuttering.
Talking Level
Stuttering therapy in the UK. One to one speech training.