Science and Research
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Web Pages
East Carolina University
Neurology, and electronic anti-stuttering research.
UCL Speech Processing Facility
Research on frequency-shifted auditory feedback (FAF).
Research and opinions from Greg Snyder, speech pathology Ph.D. candidate.
Baylor College of Medicine
Overview of research at the Stuttering Center of BCM's Speech Motor Control Laboratory.
University of Texas
Neurology of stuttering.
Laboratory for Speech Physiology and Motor Control
Research examining (a) the sensorimotor organization and control of multiple articulatory and phonatory actions contributing to normal speech production, and (b) the neuromotor and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying stuttering.
UConn - Laboratory of Speech Physiology and Motor Control
The two major research programs that form the main focus of the laboratory are designed to examine (a) the sensorimotor organization and control of multiple articulatory and phonatory actions contributing to normal speech production, and (b) the neuromotor and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying stuttering.
University of Sydney: Australian Stuttering Research Centre
Investigating the nature and treatment of stuttering in children and adults.