Web Pages
The National Psychologist
An independent monthly newspaper for practicitioners in psychology and behavioral healthcare, featuring timely news and resources.
The APA Monitor
The monthly newspaper of the American Psychological Association.
Counselor: Magazine for Addiction Professionals
Offers online continuing education, article archives subscription deals, and article submission guidelines.
Psychological Journal Search
A complete, searchable index to thousands of professional journals and publications online in psychology, psychiatry, behavioral healthcare, and related fields.
Online Journal of Multimodal and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
Professional online journal focusing on multimodal and rational emotive behaviour therapy and counselling. Includes articles on the theory and practice, and interviews.
TAJnet - Transactional Analysis Journal Internet
TA articles and reviews. Published by the International Transactional Analysis Association.
Psychiatry On Line Italia
The first and most read Italian psychiatric on line magazine.
Trauma Central
Contains the main subject index for the Trauma-Related Online Articles pages which have 400-500 links to full-text articles viewable on the internet.
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
The official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
Provides information relevant to the rehabilitation of people with severe psychiatric disability. Includes articles and book reviews from mental health and rehabilitation professionals, consumers, and family members.
The Massachusetts Psychologist
Online magazine for psychologists in Massachusetts.
Psychosomaticism Abstract
Thesis focusing on the relationships between culture, belief, and health.
Journal of Redecision Therapy
Articles relevant to the theory and practice of Redecision therapy and welcomes submissions of articles, book reviews and movie reviews.
Expert Consensus Guidelines
Psychiatric treatment guidelines for the most difficult questions facing clinicians.
Wellness Reproductions and Publishing, Inc.
Develops and distributes books, videos, audios, games and posters for therapists, counselors, educators and other mental health professionals.
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice
Developments in the science and practice of clinical psychology by publishing scholarly topical reviews of research, theory, and application to diverse areas of the field, including assessment, intervention, service delivery, and professional issues.
MedBioWorld's Mental Health Journals
Directory of mental health journals.
PHP Publications
Practice-building publications, coaching and newsletter for mental health professionals.
Psychotherapist Resources
Monthly web magazine featuring interviews with leading therapists, articles, humor, book reviews, psychotherapy videotapes, and other resources.
Unemployment and Mental Health
European project that studies the impact of unemployment on mental health.
American Journal of Psychotherapy
Presents an overview of the psychotherapies, offering a host of techniques and psychological modalities.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
The world's oldest independent scientific monthly in the field of human behavior. Articles cover theory, etiology, therapy, and research methods. Table of contents, author guidelines, and subscription information.
Canadian Journal of Counselling / Revue Canadianne de Counseling
The official journal of the Canadian Counselling Association . Articles are published that are of interest to counsellor educators as well as to practitioners working in schools, community agencies, university and college counselling centres, and other institutions in which psychological counselling is practiced.
Evidence-Based Mental Health
To alert clinicians working in the field of mental health to important and clinically relevant advances in treatment, diagnosis, aetiology, prognosis/outcome research, quality improvement, continuing education, economic evaluation, and qualitative research. Jounal Locator
Comprehensive database of journals from child and clinical psychology to psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
Family Therapy Articles and Links
Identifying and treating issues in family therapy.
Psychotherapy Research - Oxford Journals
Covers all approaches to psychotherapy, including individual, group, couple, and family therapy. Containing articles on a wide range of theoretical orientations for an international audience, the journal is designed to encourage the development of psychotherapy research, foster the utilization of research findings in training, practice and policy formation, and enhance the scientific quality and social relevance of psychotherapy research.
FQS - Forum for Qualitative Social Research
Multi-lingual online journal which aims to promote discussion and cooperation between qualitative researchers from different countries and social science disciplines.
APA Journals
The official site for American Psychological Association journals. Select by topic or by journal name to view the table of contents and article abstracts for past and present issues.
Journal of Marriage and Family
One of the leading journals in the marriage and family field, offers article abstracts of current and selected archived issues. Full-text articles available to subscribers only.
Searchable index containing hundreds of online psychology and social science journals.
European Journal for Bioenergetic Analysis
The official Journal of the European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis and Psychotherapy.
Reinforcing Behaviour Therapy
Abstract on behavior therapy, positive and negative reinforcements, and learning or conditioning.
Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Enables contemporary mental health professionals to appreciate both the diverse viewpoints found within psychoanalysis and the potential for synthesizing these perspectives.
For young people struggling with common problems, including depression, low self-esteem, family issues, anger, violence, substance abuse, and stress.
Psychiatric Times
A monthly trade publication with news and clinical articles read by psychiatrists, allied mental health professionals, and primary care physicians who treat mental disorders.
Schizophrenia Digest
A bi-monthly publication dedicated to bringing hope, dignity, and support by providing information about mental health issues.
Social Work Today Magazine
National biweekly newsmagazine committed to enhancing the entire social work profession by exploring its difficult issues, new challenges, proud past, and current successes.
Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Newsletter
Articles on latest information and current state of disaster mental health including training activities. Local, regional, and national emphasis.
Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
A professional, peer reviewed journal. Publishes scholarly articles on all topics germane to counseling and clinical psychology.
Ethical Human Sciences and Services
The official journal of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (ICSPP). Publishes scientific research, literature reviews, clinical reports, commentary, and book reviews that draw on broad ethical and scientific perspectives, including critiques of reductionist theories and practices in the field of mental health.
Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Publications
Books, training curricula, videos, tools, and articles on mental health, recovery, and rehabilitation.